Sclerotic lesions of the spinal endplates

Sclerosis refers to a pathogenic process that occurs in tissues with the formation of areas with compaction. When it develops in the vertebrae, the bone tissue becomes denser, and the connective tissue increases in volume and area. The disease is common among both adults and children.

Subchondral sclerosis of the spine

Therapeutic methods

Since subchondral sclerosis of the spine is rarely a self-occurring disease, it should be treated primarily as a symptom and complication of the underlying disease. The point of therapy is to relieve the patient of pain and improve overall well-being. All treatment is divided into two stages.

Table. Stages of therapy

StageFeatures of treatment
The first is to fight inflammation and relieve pain.The patient is prescribed:
●taking painkillers;

●taking immunomodulators;

●physiotherapy according to indications;

●therapeutic gymnastics or physical education;


The second is restoration of lost mobility of the vertebrae, restoration of cartilage tissueThis task is accomplished by:
●non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (“Indomethacin”, “Ketoprofen”, “Ketorolac”, “Flurbiprofen” and others);

●chondroprotectors that trigger the regeneration of cartilage tissue (“Alflutop”, “Mukartrin”, “Inoltra”);

●muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms (“Baclofen”, “Tizanidine”, “Mydocalm”).

Prevention of subchondral sclerosis

An active lifestyle and a balanced healthy diet are the main recommendations.

  • if you have to work mainly in one position, sitting or standing, then periodically you need to do simple exercises - head rotations, torso bends;
  • monitor your weight;
  • If you already have spinal diseases, you must undergo a massage course every 6 months. This is the best prevention against osteophytes;
  • sports or morning exercises.

Sclerosis of the spinal endplates is an irreversible disease. A complete cure can only be achieved through surgery. But with regular complex conservative therapy, you can forget about the unpleasant symptoms of the disease for a long time and stop the development of the pathology.

Complications of the disease

Without proper treatment, the disease progresses, leading to the overgrowth of bone tissue in the joints. Because of this, the surfaces of the latter are subject to increased friction and wear, resulting in the development of an inflammatory process.

If the surfaces of the joints are thickened, they extend beyond the anatomical limits of the joints and cause inflammation in the subcutaneous tissue, as well as the tendons and muscles of the patient. If therapy is not carried out at this stage, then the pathological processes will be accompanied by pus, which will begin to penetrate other organs, spreading through the bloodstream. The tissues will begin to die - their necrosis occurs. Injuries to ligaments and joints are becoming more frequent.

Sclerotic lesions of the spinal endplates

Various injuries, infectious and inflammatory processes in the body can lead to the development of the disease. Most often, pathological changes in the endplates develop simultaneously with other chronic diseases of the spine.

Clinical picture of vertebral sclerosis

This disease has the medical name subchondral sclerosis. This is not an independent disease, but a symptom of other more serious processes occurring in the musculoskeletal system. It appears on X-ray examination. The main manifestation is an increase in the density of the tissue connecting the plates and vertebral discs. The main reasons are previous injuries or general aging of the human body.

After mechanical impact, the subchondral surface of the vertebrae is disrupted, which subsequently begins to regenerate, which leads to the growth of additional cells. Such growths increase the friction force, resulting in inflammation and back pain. The reason for all the processes occurring is deformation of the intervertebral discs and changes in the structure of bone tissue, increased pressure on the nerve endings of the spinal cord.

The causes of sclerosis of the spinal plates include:

  • Deforming injuries of the spine due to injuries or other diseases;
  • Weakened back muscles, including those caused by aging body tissues;
  • Staying in a static position for a long time due to office work;
  • Complications of diseases of the skeletal system and spine;
  • The presence of inflammation in the connective tissue between the vertebrae and discs.

This disease can often be detected only after X-ray examination, since in the initial stages the symptom may not manifest itself.

Manifestation of sclerosis of subchondral tissues

This disease can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes the patient is not even aware of the changes occurring in the connective tissue of his spine. However, changes often occur so quickly that they cause painful manifestations and cause inconvenience to the person. In a situation of forced spread of the focus of endplate sclerosis, the patient suffers from acute, burning pain, which intensifies many times over with physical exertion, sudden movements, or lack of mobility of the spine for a long period of time.

The symptom also manifests itself through muscle weakness, increased fatigue when performing habitual loads and types of work. Patients also complain of a feeling of chills and pins and needles in the back. If you do not pay due attention to these manifestations of pathology and do not resort to medical assistance, then numb manifestations can spread to the upper and lower extremities, based on the location of the sclerosis focus. The mobility of the spine is impaired due to the compaction of the connective tissue of the intervertebral discs, and the ability to clearly coordinate one’s actions is lost.

Basic treatment methods

All modern medical possibilities aimed at treating the spine affected by subchondral sclerosis are limited to non-surgical methods. It is important for the patient to remain calm and limit physical work. He is prescribed painkillers. Physiotherapy and massage sessions provide good results.

Anti-inflammatory ointments, compresses and plasters should be applied directly to the site of localization of sclerosis, relieving pain in the affected vertebrae.
The next step is the process of traction of the spine to relieve the deforming manifestations of the disease. For this purpose, a special device is used, which is a long rod extending from the chin to the sacrum, which reliably fixes the spine in the proper position. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Preventive actions

As with other diseases, preventing subchondral sclerosis is much easier than treating an existing disease. To avoid missing the onset of the disease, people at risk should visit their doctor regularly. If you experience pain in the spine, you must undergo a full examination.

A healthy lifestyle will help maintain the health of the spine and the muscle tissue that supports it for a long time. It is very useful to periodically contact a professional for a back massage.

The benefits of back massage for human health are obvious

Massage tables and chairs

The more a person moves every day, the less likely he is to develop subchondral sclerosis of the spine. In addition, doctors recommend avoiding hypothermia.

How to avoid hypothermia

A complete cure for subchondral sclerosis is almost impossible. However, it is possible to relieve the symptoms of the disease, and then the person will be able to live a full life, forgetting about the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

The classic method for diagnosing this pathology is x-ray and patient complaints. If there is an inflammatory process, the doctor may additionally prescribe an MRI, blood and urine tests.

Drug treatment

A complete cure for sclerosis of the spinal endplates is only possible through surgery. Conservative drug treatment is aimed at relieving pain, inflammation and inhibiting the progression of the disease.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on Diclofenac, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, are widely used. To relieve muscle tension around the source of inflammation, nicotinic acid, B vitamins, phosphorus, and calcium are used. In case of severe pain, a course of analgesics by injection is prescribed, but only under the supervision of a doctor, as they have a number of side effects. Warming ointments relieve pain - Finalgon, Capsicam.


Electrophoresis ensures the fastest delivery of drugs to the site of inflammation. Can be used as an emergency aid or for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Diadynamic therapy helps improve blood circulation in adjacent tissues and accelerates metabolic processes.


During exacerbations, any physical exercise is contraindicated. For people diagnosed with sclerosis of the spinal endplates, the first set of therapeutic exercises should be performed only in a physical therapy room under the supervision of an instructor. Then you can do it yourself.

Traditional medicine

An important advantage of traditional methods is the absence of side effects. It is of course impossible to cure subchondral sclerosis with such methods, but traditional medicine helps quite effectively in relieving symptoms.

Alternative medicine recipes:

  1. Healing baths from a decoction of pine branches improve blood circulation and relieve pain;
  2. Elderberry decoction. 20 g of elderberry per half glass of boiling water. Take 50 ml 3 times a day;
  3. A piece of lard applied to the sore spot relieves pain well. A film is placed on top and insulated with a scarf.

Treatment of subchondral osteosclerosis

It is necessary to begin treatment of subchondral osteosclerosis with diagnosis and elimination of all suspected causes. In our manual therapy clinic, the doctor begins to work first with the collected medical history information. The patient is given practical recommendations on changing lifestyle, diet, and distribution of physical activity during the day.

In the future, an individual course of therapy is developed for the treatment of osteosclerosis. Depending on the stage of the pathological process, the following techniques can be used:

  1. traction traction of the spinal column allows you to increase the space between the vertebral bodies and remove the static load from the subchondral layer;
  2. osteopathy and massage improve microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid, which accelerates the process of restoration of sclerotic tissues;
  3. reflexology starts the process of tissue restoration;
  4. Therapeutic gymnastics and kinesitherapy improve the condition of the muscular frame of the back and increase the level of protection of all tissues of the spinal column from degeneration and destruction.

Sign up for a free consultation, and our vertebrologist will give you individual recommendations for comprehensive treatment.

Prevention and healthy lifestyle

In order to prevent such diseases of the musculoskeletal system in old age, it is necessary to maintain the body in a healthy state from a young age. Exercising will prevent the appearance of salt deposits in the bones.

Proper and balanced nutrition will enrich the body with essential vitamins, which will prevent deposits and changes in the skeletal system. The diet should be rich in seafood, vegetables, and fruits. Drink plenty of clean water daily.


Through the surface of the hyaline cartilage of the endplate into the core of the intervertebral disc:

  • nutrients are supplied;
  • liquid;
  • Metabolic products are excreted.

Therefore, after the structure of the cartilage changes (as a result of impaired blood supply), its permeability worsens and less and less liquid and nutrients enter the nucleus pulposus, and metabolic products accumulate inside. This leads to gradual degeneration and deterioration of the shock-absorbing function of the intervertebral disc.

At the same time, a thickening of the hyaline layer of the endplate and a change in the adjacent bone tissue of the vertebral body occurs: proliferation, thickening, protrusion of surfaces.

Taken together, the processes lead to:

  1. Pinched nerve endings.
  2. Circulatory disorders.
  3. Increased pressure on the intervertebral disc even at rest.
  4. The development of functional disorders of the spine - its mobility decreases, movements become constrained, difficulties appear in performing physical actions, and over time, other unpleasant symptoms appear.


Cryotherapy is a conservative treatment method using cold, which is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.

Due to short-term exposure to extremely low temperatures, regeneration work begins in all systems of the body.

The course gives several positive effects that last up to six months:

  • long-lasting analgesic effect;
  • elimination of inflammation and spasms;
  • reducing the load on the heart;
  • increased blood supply to internal organs.

What is the disease

Subchondral sclerosis in the articular surfaces is a hardening of the bone due to the proliferation of connective tissue, provoked by inflammatory processes or natural aging. In fact, this is an x-ray sign that signals compaction of bone tissue in the damaged area. The result of such a process will be the formation of osteophytes and growths on the bones, due to which the surface of the joint will be uneven. Various types of irregularities will increase friction, which will provoke the formation of new inflammations.

If the underlying pathological process is not treated, then over time such growths lead to complete blockade and immobilization of the joint. Difficulties are often noted in the chest, where the formation of osteochondrosis occurs for a long time without symptoms due to low tension in this area. In such a case, the growth of neoplasms leads to the fact that the chest turns into one immovable bone growth. In the current situation, eliminating unpleasant symptoms will be much more difficult.

Causes of subchondral osteosclerosis of the spine

Subchondral osteosclerosis of the spine develops for various reasons. These are mainly age-related degenerative processes that develop against the background of impaired blood supply to certain parts of the body. Gerontological changes are more typical for older people over 70 years of age.

In young patients, there are other causes of osteosclerosis of the endplates of the vertebral bodies. They include the following negative influence factors:

  • deformation of the vertebral bodies as a result of salt deposition and the formation of osteophytes;
  • curvature of the spinal column in the form of hyperkyphosis, hyperlordosis or scoliosis;
  • dystrophic changes in the muscle tissue surrounding the spinal column;
  • disruption of the process of blood microcirculation and diffuse exchange with the tissues of the spinal column;
  • consequences of traumatic effects (impacts, fractures, subluxations, sprains of the ligamentous apparatus, muscle fiber ruptures, etc.);
  • injury to the spine during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal;
  • genetic predisposition factors (if there are established cases of osteosclerosis in the family, then you should be careful about the timely diagnosis of the pathology);
  • physical inactivity or leading a lifestyle with predominantly sedentary work and lack of regular sufficient physical activity on the muscular frame of the back;
  • heavy physical labor, accompanied by constant lifting of weights exceeding the actual capabilities of a person;
  • tumor processes in the spinal column;
  • various infectious and inflammatory processes.

Until recently, it was believed that osteochondrosis was the direct cause of osteosclerosis of the vertebral bodies. But thanks to numerous scientific studies, the opposite relationship between these two pathologies has been identified. In fact, osteosclerosis of the endplates of the vertebral bodies is a direct risk factor for the development of osteochondrosis at a young age.

What will happen if left untreated?

Treatment of subchondral endplate sclerosis is very difficult. If it is caused by osteochondrosis, then for a complete cure it is necessary to simultaneously treat the underlying disease that provoked the formation of growths. This may take a long time. Possibly months and even years.

But if you give up and don’t start fighting the disease, then it will slowly continue to destroy human bones. The pain will only get worse. And the general condition of the patient will begin to deteriorate noticeably.

What happens with subchondral sclerosis

As a rule, sclerosis occurs in sedentary people, or, conversely, in athletes.
He talks about disruptions in the body: after an infection or injury, bone tissue begins to grow and deform, and the elasticity of the ligaments begins to decrease. In middle-aged patients, exhaustion and deterioration of blood circulation in the endplates are observed. As the disease progresses, osteophytes appear. These are pathological growths on the surface of bone tissue, most often a marginal growth of bone that has been damaged previously or is regularly subjected to heavy loads.

They enlarge, cause inflammation, impede joint mobility and create discomfort. It is almost impossible to combat them without surgery.

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Causes of pathology.

In most cases, sclerosis occurs due to premature aging of tissue fibers, degenerative lesions, or due to inflammatory processes provoked by other pathologies. It is also caused by diseases of the blood vessels or endocrine system, fractures, cracks and sprains.


  • tingling in the lower back and muscles;
  • feeling of pressure on the chest;
  • lack of coordination;
  • numbness of joints;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • hearing impairment;
  • the pain radiates to the neck.

Examinations that are carried out for the disease

The primary diagnosis of pathologies manifested by sclerosis is made on the basis of the clinical picture and anamnesis. To confirm it, a number of instrumental studies are carried out.

Here are the most informative:

  1. X-ray in 2 or 3 projections. Helps to detect the localization of altered tissues and determine the severity of the inflammatory or degenerative process.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging. Used when radiographic examination is uninformative or when certain details are clarified.
  3. CT scan. It is carried out to assess the state of the circulatory network of the subchondral layer and determine the degree of innervation disorder.

Laboratory diagnostics are required only to determine the cause of the disease. Biological fluids (usually intra-articular exudate) are collected for microscopy and cytological examination. A general blood test is also indicated to assess general health.


In the initial stages, the pathology is almost asymptomatic (especially in the thoracic region), without interfering with any physical activity. Minor manifestations may include unpleasant sensations, a specific crunch and discomfort with a sudden change of position.

As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced, the patient experiences difficulty turning, bending, lifting limbs, and basic exercise. In especially severe cases, the result can be complete immobility of the spine and disability.

General symptoms:

  • stiffness and acute pain when performing any physical activity;
  • specific crunching, clicking sounds accompanying motor activity;
  • difficulty changing posture, poor coordination of movements;
  • tachycardia, difficulty when trying to breathe deeply;
  • dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, decreased vision, hearing;
  • muscle weakness, trembling, numbness of the limbs;
  • chest pain;
  • weight loss.

If progressive sclerosis is not treated, it can lead to thickening and proliferation of tissue beyond the joint area, inflammation and necrosis of adjacent tissues, blood vessels, and subcutaneous fatty tissue.

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