Every person is familiar with the feeling of numbness in the hands, when the loss of sensitivity in the area of the hands is accompanied by the appearance of
28 February 2020 78479 0 3.5 out of 5 Coccydynia is a disease in which
Causes of inflammation in the knee joint Stages of inflammation of the knee joint How to treat inflammation of the knee joint
Glisson loop - a device made of belts, fastenings and weights for the treatment and prevention of pathologies
A hip fracture is a common serious injury that occurs in old age. She can
JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) operates a Pain Treatment Center. More details about the Treatment Center
With age, human articular and cartilaginous tissues lose their former elasticity, lose their functionality and
Back pain, neck pain, frequent headaches, stiffness and limited movement - these are the symptoms
Nature and duration of pain Short-term pain (usually localized in the navel area on the right and left),
Calcemin tablets p/o No. 120 No. 1 Description White oval tablets, with a notch on one