Comfrey is a perennial plant that grows no more than 1 meter in height. In a plant
Osteoarthrosis is a group of degenerative-dystrophic progressive pathologies of synovial joints with a chronic course, characterized by damage
Some people believe that if their joints don't hurt, they're fine. Actually
Causes and pathogenesis of cervical spine injuries Trauma to the cervical spine can be caused by a blow
Tension headaches are usually diffuse, mild or moderate in intensity, and often
Patients with gouty arthritis have to adhere to many dietary restrictions. Otherwise, the course of the disease
Diagnosis by X-ray. For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is practiced to place leeches on biologically active
A purulent cyst of the coccyx is an inflammatory process under the skin in the sacrococcygeal region, it is found more often
First, a little about what an “intervertebral disc” is. Our spine(s) are cushioned by tissue pads,
Children are very active creatures, they learn through the games of adult life, and activity in