Cervical distortion is a dangerous disease of the spine that affects the cervical vertebrae, but
A hip fracture is a dangerous injury, most often found in older people due to
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a non-inflammatory disease of the joints, which is characterized by cartilage pathology, deformation and reduction
Causes of injury Let us first consider the mechanism of injury to the internal collateral ligament. As already said, she
What is it? Like chemical elements that are connected by different types of bonds, left and right
Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a consequence of chronic inflammation, which causes degenerative changes in tissues.
What does it mean if there is pressure in the chest? The rib cage is a cone-shaped part
Anatomy of the elbow joint[edit | edit code] Bones of the elbow joint Bone anatomy[edit | edit code]
Injuries to the hand can be different, both in location and in the nature of the damage.
Plantar fibromatosis is a rare disease that is characterized by scarring of the fibers of the plantar aponeurosis. This manifests itself