A magical remedy for many diseases: tincture of iodine with garlic
The benefits and harms of the miraculous composition Among folk remedies, iodine is valued for its restorative and
What is densitometry and how is the procedure performed?
Densitometry is an x-ray examination aimed at assessing bone density. This simple method allows
Endoprosthetics of hand joints (hand and wrist)
When a joint is destroyed - complete or partial - a person suffers unbearable pain. Organ loses
Physical rehabilitation after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint
Fracture of the knee joint. Every day the knee joint experiences enormous stress. Therefore, getting it broken is enough
Elbow bursitis: how to treat?
Bursitis is an inflammatory lesion of the synovial bursa (bursa) of the elbow joint, which leads to its hardening
Intercostal neuralgia. Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Video Pain under the shoulder blade. Question answer. Topic: Questions and answers Pain under the scapula Topic: Encyclopedia of diseases Title
The use of physiotherapy in the presence of metal structures.
Effects and actions of magnetic therapy The principle of action of magnetic therapy lies in the artificially created around the treated object
Information about surgical correction of a hernia of the small intestine or rectum
Rectal prolapse (rectal prolapse, pelvic floor prolapse) Rectal prolapse is a condition
Which is better: DONA or ARTRA
Characteristics of drugs To choose the right chondroprotector, you need to know what characteristics Arthra and Dona have.
Why is there noise in my head? What to do, how to treat, how to get rid of
Extraneous sounds in the skull are always a sign of disease or physiological failure. When
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