Fracture of the distal metaepiphysis of the radius (“ray in a typical place”) The distal metaepiphysis is the lower
The anterior cruciate ligament (lat. lig. cruciatum anterius) starts from the posterosuperior part of the inner surface of the outer
Hamstring tears are a common injury in all sports and require
1.What is tendonitis and its causes? Tendinitis is inflammation or irritation of tendons, fibers
Correctors indicated for hallux valgus are divided into three types: splints, silicone
Joint puncture is performed with a 10-20 g syringe, with a 5-6 cm long needle and
An ankle is a lump-like growth on the leg. It consists of the lateral malleolus,
Author: Amelicheva Alena Aleksandrovna medical editor Tinnitus (tinnitus) is a condition in which
For local inflammatory processes, warming and hot compresses are used. The purpose of the procedure is to achieve pain relief
Pain in the shoulder joints of the arms is one of the most common reasons why patients seek treatment.