Reactive arthritis of the knee and ankle joint

According to statistics, there are 43 cases of reactive arthritis per 100 thousand adult population of the Russian Federation; in children and adolescents the figures are higher - 99 and 172, respectively. Timely and high-quality treatment of reactive arthritis will allow you to overcome the annual increase and achieve effective results in the fight against this disease. Negative dynamics are associated with heredity, previous infectious diseases, allergic reactions, as well as delayed diagnosis.

What is reactive arthritis?

Reactive arthritis is called arthritis, which manifests itself in the form of painful, non-purulent inflammation of the joints. It was identified as an independent diagnosis about 50 years ago and designated by ICD-10 code M02. It most often affects young men over 17 years of age and young men under 40 who have had a sexually transmitted infection, which is why it is called a disease of the young. This side effect is rare in women. Manifestations of reactive arthritis are also typical for people of any gender and age after nasopharyngeal and intestinal infections, as well as allergy attacks. This unpleasant consequence appears after 3-45, less often 60 days after recovery. H2 Symptoms of reactive arthritis The inflammatory process often affects the knee, ankle, finger, and less often shoulder joints. Symptoms of reactive arthritis involve more than just pain. Along with them there is:

  • Temperature increase;
  • Headache;
  • General malaise;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Swelling of the joints;
  • Redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Aching pain in the lower back.

In addition to damage to the joints themselves, inflammation of the ligaments, tendons, joint capsules, thickening of the toes, as well as heel bursitis are observed. Less commonly – rashes and ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes, enlarged lymph nodes.

Reasons for development

As mentioned above, by reactive arthritis, experts mean inflammation of the joints, which occurs due to immune disorders in the body, manifested as a result of previous infectious diseases. Based on this definition, you need to understand that the causes of reactive arthritis lie precisely in problems with the human immune system. In this case, the development of the disease can occur both due to an acute respiratory infection, and, for example, due to various pathogens of food poisoning in the gastrointestinal tract (chlamydia, salmonella, mycoplasma, E. coli, and so on).

Experts explain such a frequent appearance and development of reactive arthritis these days by the fact that most people have a genetic predisposition to this disease. However, it must be borne in mind that with proper treatment of the disease, which should take place simultaneously with the treatment of the underlying infectious disease, the symptoms of arthritis will disappear as soon as the source of infection in the body is suppressed.

Diagnosis of reactive arthritis

The treatment strategy for reactive arthritis is determined by its causes. To determine, confirm and predict the diagnosis, 3 types of studies are carried out:

  • Laboratory. Blood and urine tests, synovial fluid tests, detection of infections, immunological studies.
  • X-ray. X-rays allow you to see the extent of joint damage.
  • Ultrasonic. Detects pathologies in periarticular tissues.

To accurately diagnose, relieve symptoms and treat reactive arthritis, it is recommended to conduct all available types of research. For other types of this disease, arthroscopy is also performed: examination of the inner surface of the joint using optical equipment. But when identifying and treating reactive arthritis, it is not very informative and does not allow one to establish the cause, as well as give a reliable prognosis.

How dangerous is the disease?

It must be said that the prognosis for complete recovery and maintaining the same quality of life for patients with, say, reactive arthritis of the knee or ankle joint is very, very favorable.

However, the patient and the attending physician should pay increased attention to the course of the disease if there is frequent exacerbation of the articular syndrome, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy does not produce visible results, and the patient has a genetic predisposition to inflammatory and rheumatic diseases.

Although deaths from this disease do occur, they are extremely rare, and the main reason is the neglect of the disease, in which complications associated with heart damage begin to develop.

In order to reduce the risk of developing serious complications and prevent the disease from passing from the acute to the chronic stage, the patient needs to begin adequate and timely treatment of the inflammatory infectious process as early as possible, which should take place under the close supervision of a qualified rheumatologist.

Treatment of reactive arthritis

The goal of treatment is to relieve inflammation, pain and eliminate the causes of reactive arthritis. For this purpose, the following methods are used:

  • Medication;
  • Non-medicinal;
  • Folk.

The treatment regimen for reactive arthritis is selected based on the results of the examination, which makes it possible to make a prognosis for recovery. Until its end, it is possible to prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. They will relieve pain, swelling and allow you to restore mobility.

Drug therapy

The basis for prescribing medications is the diagnostic results. Medicines are designed to solve two problems: relieve painful symptoms and eliminate the cause of inflammation.

Relieving pain and inflammation

At this stage, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs suitable for the treatment of reactive arthritis. The composition, dosage and application regimens are selected individually. It all depends on the patient’s condition, location, degree of inflammation, age and the presence of concomitant diseases. Injections, tablets and capsules from the NSAID group are only the first step to alleviate the condition and allow you to closely identify and eliminate the causes of reactive arthritis. If NPS drugs are insufficiently effective, glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed. They are taken in the form of tablets, intravenous, intra- or periarticular injections. If there is a threat of transition to the chronic stage, basic drugs are added to suppress immune reactions. Most painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs have a large number of contraindications and side effects, including the leaching of salts, minerals, and vitamins, without which it is impossible to restore the functionality of the joints. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to take analgesics on your own, without a doctor’s prescription. The modern range of drugs for the treatment of reactive arthritis includes agents with chondoprotective effects. They simultaneously work in two directions: relieve pain, swelling, and also restore damaged cartilage and joint tissue. One of the most effective drugs of the latest generation is Artradol. In addition to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, it suppresses the production of enzymes that cause the destruction of joint tissue, normalizes the production of joint fluid and phosphorus-calcium metabolism. This promotes rapid healing of damaged areas and restoration of joint functionality.

Eliminating the cause of reactive arthritis

Relieving pain and inflammation is not enough. Without eliminating the cause, the likelihood of relapse is high. It can only be identified after a thorough comprehensive examination. If the causes of reactive arthritis are not hereditary or allergic in nature, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. Its composition is determined by the nature of the infection:

  • Genitourinary - antibiotics of the macrolide, tetracycline, fluoroquinolone group for both partners.
  • Intestinal – antimicrobial therapy for at least a month.
  • Dental or respiratory tract – individual antibiotic therapy according to the doctor’s decision.

Taking any antibiotics is accompanied by taking medications to maintain and restore the gastrointestinal microflora. Thus, probiotics are added to the painkillers, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents.

Non-drug methods

It is auxiliary, but mandatory, enhancing the effect of drugs for the treatment of reactive arthritis. Prescribed mainly after the removal of acute symptoms. Non-medicinal methods include the following.

  • Physiotherapy. A number of procedures are also indicated at the acute stage. For example, electrophoresis, ultrasound, magneto-, cryo- and laser therapy, and salt baths effectively eliminate swelling. Mud therapy, SMT, and hydrogen sulfide baths are recommended as restorative procedures at the end of the drug course.
  • Reflexology. This is a professional targeted treatment of bioactive points, designed to normalize the functioning of internal organs.
  • Diet. There is no special table. But, including the following products containing glucosamine and chondroitin in your diet will significantly improve joint function:
  1. Fish (especially salmon and sturgeon), seafood;
  2. Animal cartilage and skin;
  3. White meat, beef;
  4. Hard cheeses,
  5. Butter;
  6. Gelatin-containing dishes (jelly, jellied meat);
  7. Eggs;
  8. Dairy products;
  9. Soy;
  10. Vegetables and fruits (especially avocados, legumes, nuts, dried fruits)
  11. Linseed oil.

If arthritis is of an allergic nature, it is necessary to adhere to a neutral, hypoallergenic diet, avoiding the consumption of hazardous foods. Allergy tests and careful monitoring of the body's reaction will help determine them.

  • Exercise therapy and massage. Therapeutic exercises are recommended in the remission stage. It allows you to effectively develop and activate the work of joints, strengthen the surrounding muscles, and increase overall tone. Exercises are selected by a specialist and carried out under his supervision. This is a complex for the knee, shoulder, ankle, and finger joints. General massage involves manual treatment of tissues, muscles, and joints by an experienced specialist.

The use of non-drug methods contributes to overall health and strengthening of the immune system. Most procedures are pleasant, allowing you to rest and relax, which has a positive effect on your overall health.

Folk remedies

There are traditional methods of “treating” reactive arthritis.
The quotation marks were used here for a reason. Given the bacterial or allergic nature of the disease, it is impossible to eliminate its cause without serious drug therapy. But folk remedies are successfully used to relieve pain and reduce swelling. For this purpose, compresses made from horseradish, hard radish, sea salt, fir oil, ointment from comfrey leaves in vegetable oil with the addition of beeswax are suitable. Any of these products has side effects, contraindications and can cause an allergic reaction, aggravating the condition of the damaged joint. Folk remedies are recommended to be used as part of auxiliary therapy after relief of the acute phase of the disease, taking into account their composition, causes of inflammation and medications taken. Any unwanted reaction can negate all achieved results, causing new inflammation. The noticeable relief after compresses often makes you want to give up pills and injections, which is absolutely unacceptable. For this reason, relying on herbs alone is not recommended. Being familiar with the symptoms and treatment methods, you cannot do it yourself. Relapses can affect not only previously affected areas, but also be of a new nature. Only an experienced rheumatologist can determine it, select and adjust the treatment regimen. We advise you not to delay your visit to him. Timely administration of the correct treatment will avoid aggravation of the situation and the development of complications. Are you experiencing discomfort in your knees? Is your ankle swelling? Are your fingers swollen? Listen to our recommendations and start treatment as early as possible! I wish you health, freedom of movement and joint flexibility! To previous article To next article

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