Cold in the lower back: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Advice for those suffering from lumbago 22482

Complaints about a blown lower back can come from patients of different ages. But most often, all the unpleasant sensations after the back and lower back are blown are associated with the fact that under the influence of stress factors (cold air) an exacerbation of a chronic disease occurs.

This may be a degenerative dystrophic change in the intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis), fibromyalgia syndrome, spondyloarthrosis, myositis, tendonitis and many other diseases.

You can find out more information about what symptoms occur and what treatment is carried out if you have a blown lower back in this material. Here is information about the potential causes of discomfort, how to prevent future exacerbations, and what you can do on your own for treatment.

The first thing to do at home if you have a cold in your lower back is to give up the idea of ​​warming up, applying a heating pad or compresses. All these procedures are possible only after a thorough diagnosis. It is worth understanding that under the influence of cold air, blood vessels spasm at different levels. With prolonged exposure to cold, spasm of the ureters and blood vessels of the renal system occurs. This can trigger an attack of renal colic. Its causes can be either stones in the pelvis or an acute inflammatory process. In both cases, heating will lead to negative consequences. If this is urolithiasis, then a sharp dilation of the ureters can provoke the movement of the stone and it will inevitably get stuck, which will require emergency surgery. If it is pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, then warming up will be the impetus for the pyogenic process (formation of a large amount of pus).

In the event that the lower back is blown and, against the background of this, spasm of small blood vessels in the thickness of the paravertebral muscles occurs, then an exacerbation of osteochondrosis will develop. This disease is characterized by the fact that dehydration of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc occurs and it loses its elasticity. As a result, the process of secondary inflammation begins. At the site of cartilage tissue degeneration, small blood vessels dilate, soft tissue swelling occurs, and muscles become tense. Warming up in this case will significantly intensify the inflammatory process and provoke an increase in the intensity of the pain syndrome.

If you have a cold in your lower back, be sure to visit a doctor before treating it at home. An experienced specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis through examination and various tests. Self-treatment always leads to a negative result. Either the disease becomes chronic, or the patient’s condition is aggravated by the development of complications.

Causes of the disease

It is very easy to cold the muscles of the lumbar back. This can happen even due to short exposure to a draft or walking in cold weather. It is worth noting that a simple cold can lead to serious illnesses, which will be described in this article. When a person experiences pain in this area of ​​the back, he thinks about the development of certain diseases. In fact, he could just have a cold in his lower back. How can you identify inflammatory processes in this part of the back?

Cold in the lower back: symptoms of the disease

The most important manifestation of this ailment is pain. They can have different character and intensity. In some cases, people feel a nagging pain in the lower back, due to which they are unable to even move freely. Sometimes patients feel pain that spreads to other muscles, up to the legs. Sometimes it is so strong that the cold muscles become numb.

Also, one of the main symptoms is increased urination and discoloration of the skin in the lumbar region. Sometimes the symptoms of a cold lower back in women are menstrual irregularities. If you neglect to treat a common muscle cold, it can cause the development of serious diseases, some of which are described in this article.

Symptoms of a blown back and lower back

If your lower back is blown, symptoms may appear immediately or after some time. A feeling of muscle tension, pain and stiffness quickly appears if a person has had osteochondrosis for a long time. With this degenerative dystrophic disease, the following occurs:

  • over time, for various reasons, the fibrous membrane of the intervertebral disc loses its ability to absorb fluid during diffuse exchange with the surrounding muscles;
  • cracks and deposits of calcium salts appear on its surface;
  • the ability to maintain the height of the disc at the nucleus pulposus is lost due to the fact that the fibrous ring takes fluid from it;
  • pressure is exerted on the surrounding soft tissues, including the paravertebral muscles;
  • any exposure to cold air provokes disruption of blood microcirculation in the thickness of muscle tissue - this becomes an inflammatory factor.

The muscles become tense, become inflamed and stop providing nutrition to the annulus fibrosus. Against this background, an exacerbation of osteochondrosis begins. The inflammatory process may also involve the radicular nerves and their branches, the lumbosacral nerve plexus, intervertebral joints, etc.

Symptoms of a blown back and lower back may include neurological signs. This is numbness in certain areas of the back, anterior abdominal wall and lower limb on the affected side. These clinical signs indicate that the nerve fiber is damaged. Immediate consultation with a neurologist is required.

The following symptoms of a cold in the lower back should not be ignored:

  1. stiffness of movement in the morning;
  2. decreased range of motion of the spine in the lumbar region;
  3. drawing, shooting pain in the lower abdomen;
  4. weakness in the legs and decreased muscle strength;
  5. involuntary emptying of the bladder and bowels;
  6. intestinal dysfunction in the form of constipation or diarrhea.

All these signs may indicate that a person has serious health problems. This could be spinal canal stenosis. If emergency measures are not taken to restore the position of the spinal cord, paralysis of the lower limbs, intestines, bladder, etc. may occur.

If the lower back is blown, the pain is not accompanied by neurological signs. They are concentrated in one place. There may be muscle tension in the lumbar region. In all other cases, exposure to cold air provoked an exacerbation of other diseases. Therefore, for diagnosis and treatment, you need to see a doctor.

Treatment at home

Not every person has the opportunity to immediately seek help from a specialist after identifying the symptoms of inflammatory processes in the lumbar region. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate pain, which will make it possible to move freely. Every person who has had a cold in the lower back muscles at least once knows how painful and difficult it is to move during inflammatory processes in this area.

Initially, it is recommended to take a medication aimed at alleviating pain. We must not forget that such drugs do not treat inflammatory processes occurring in the muscles, but only relieve pain for a certain time. Therefore, to slow down the progression of a cold, you must initially go to bed rest.

Treatment for a cold back

You shouldn’t hesitate to treat a cold back. After all, unpleasant symptoms interfere with normal existence, and the consequences of this disease are quite serious.

First aid

If the disease takes you by surprise and there is no opportunity to resort to complex treatment, then you can provide first aid to yourself, relieve the main symptoms, and then begin the main treatment of the disease.

So, what to do if the illness caught you unexpectedly?:

  • Bed rest is mandatory . For several days, no physical or emotional stress, only peace, quiet and warm tea;
  • Lubricate the inflamed area with warming ointments or gels . Always try to keep this type of medicine in your first aid kit, for example, fastum-gel or finalgon. Such drugs relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation. It is advisable to treat diseased areas at night for 10 days. After you have applied the ointment or gel, thoroughly insulate your back;
  • When the main peak of the exacerbation subsides and you are able to go outside and move normally, always remember that a relapse can happen at any time, so wear warm clothes when leaving the house , do not take too hot baths , do a relaxing massage , and follow a diet .

Drug treatment

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Next fact

Most medications are aimed at reducing or eliminating pain caused by hypothermia of the back.

All medications are divided into several main groups:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. This group includes drugs from the NSAID group, for example, ibuprofen, ketorol, ortofen. These medications are aimed at reducing inflammation and easing pain;
  • Muscle relaxants. These drugs are designed to combat muscle spasms. They are usually used together with anti-inflammatory drugs (antispasmodics);
  • Painkillers. Unlike anti-inflammatory drugs, these drugs do not relieve the inflammatory process, but only relieve pain (analgesics).

To eliminate inflammation and swelling, you can use one of these drugs

It is not advisable to take medications on your own. Consult with your doctor, only he will be able to correctly select a list of medications for you that will effectively eliminate all the symptoms of the disease. Ointments and gels based on NSAIDs are also used. They should also be chosen on the advice of a doctor .

Therapeutic massage and physiotherapy

For a cold back, physical therapy is a good strengthening measure. In combination with massage, it can also be a separate therapeutic measure, not supported by medications. A minimum of medications means a minimum of side effects, no allergic reactions and strengthened immunity. The main thing is that both physiotherapy sessions and massage sessions are carried out by a professional.


Physical therapy can be a good help in treating a cold back . The main thing is to remember: exercises should be started only when the crisis has passed and the main pain syndrome has subsided. If you are at the “bed rest” stage, then any physical activity is out of the question.

Here are some general strengthening exercises you can do::

  1. Lie on your stomach so that your body forms a straight line. Now start doing backbends like a cat. You need to tilt your head up as much as possible in your case. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times;
  2. Lie on your back, on a hard surface, bend your left leg at the knee. Now pull your leg towards your chest and try to stay in this position for a few seconds. Do this exercise for each leg in turn (8-10 times);
  3. Lie on your stomach, put your legs together and stretch them out. Bend your elbows and begin to lift your upper body, as if you are trying to reach some imaginary object.

Warming up

  • It is believed that warming up a cold back helps a lot. First, rub your back with a warming ointment or gel , and then apply a warming compress or heating pad (you can take a regular medical bladder and fill it with hot water);
  • In addition to a heating pad, you can use a folk remedy : heat regular table salt in a frying pan, pour it into a sock and use this sock as a heating pad;
  • also have an excellent warming effect . But their downside is that they are very irritating to the skin, so if you have sensitive skin or have any damage or irritation on the skin, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​mustard plasters.

Folk recipes

Among the folk recipes you will find many that will help with a cold back. The main thing is to choose wisely, rely on the characteristics of your body.

Here are some of the most effective folk methods for treating back colds::

  • Rubbing with alcohol tinctures, propolis tincture;

  • Alcohol rubs are quite effective for cold muscles. Compresses made from honey and horseradish perfectly improve blood circulation and metabolism in the inflamed area. To prepare the “filling” for such a compress, take 1 tablespoon of finely grated horseradish and 1 teaspoon of honey (pre-melted). Mix the ingredients to a paste, place on a cabbage leaf and apply to the area of ​​inflammation for 30 minutes;

  • Prepare horse chestnut tincture. Take 0.5 liters of alcohol, add chopped horse chestnut (about 150 grams of raw materials) to it. Pour the mixture into a container with a lid, close tightly and leave to infuse for 2 weeks. Then get rid of the sediment and add another 100 ml of water to the mixture. Rub the resulting tincture on your back;
  • This recipe is suitable for girls. Take half a kilo of yellow dandelions, pour from 0.5 l. alcohol and infuse the mixture for two weeks. Rub your back with this solution or apply compresses to inflamed areas.

Traditional methods

An excellent method of eliminating pain and stopping inflammatory processes is rubbing for the purpose of warming. To do this, it is not necessary to have professional skills and means, because rubbing can be done using various alcohol-based liquids - cologne, perfume, etc. After these manipulations, you need to bandage your lower back with a warm scarf and lie down in a comfortable bed. It is strongly recommended not to make active movements and be on the street. It is important to know that rubbing is done only on healthy skin, without any damage (abrasions, wounds).

Blown lower back: how to quickly cure

How to quickly cure a disease if your lower back is blown? The answer to this question depends on what diagnosis is made. If this is an inflammatory process in the kidneys, then it will not be possible to do without antibacterial therapy and the use of special nitrofurans.

But if a problem is detected in the intervertebral discs, the best methods of treatment are physiotherapy, manual therapy, therapeutic exercises and reflexology

How to cure the lower back if it is blown at home? To do this, again you need to know the diagnosis. If renal pathology is excluded, then measures must be taken to improve microcirculation of blood and lymphatic fluid in the lesion. To do this, you can use special warming ointments, massage, and various Almag-type devices for home use.

But it is not recommended to indulge in self-treatment. Firstly, you cannot be sure that your diagnosis is correct. Secondly, the doctor must objectively monitor the dynamics of the disease. If there is no positive effect, the doctor can promptly change the chosen tactics, conduct a number of additional examinations, etc.

Heat treatment

In folk medicine, a fairly common method of treating colds in the lower back muscles is warming compresses. To implement this method, it is necessary to clean the skin and apply gauze soaked in medical alcohol and folded several times. Then the almost finished compress is covered with plastic wrap, which helps retain heat. Finally, the entire “structure” is tied with a warm scarf, preferably woolen. It is recommended to remove this compress after 30 minutes, during which the inflamed area warms up and blood circulation in it improves.

Even a common muscle cold should not be neglected, because it can lead to bad consequences. More serious diseases, the cause of which may be inflammatory processes, are described in this article.

Low back pain is a common problem

Many people over 35 years of age often complain of pain directly in the lower back. According to statistics, approximately 70% of all men suffer from constant back pain by the age of thirty. Unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region can occur from time to time or be chronic. Painful sensations in the lower back are most often the body’s reaction to the development of a pathological process that occurs as a result of irritation of nerve endings, starting from the 12th rib and ending with the coccyx.

If you pay attention to the problem in time, determine the cause of its occurrence and begin treatment, then pain in the lumbar region can be eliminated forever. If a person has a cold in the lower back, the symptoms can be very different, because they depend on the developing disease. Quite often, pathology occurs directly due to degenerative damage to the spine and is manifested by various types of osteochondrosis or spondyloarthrosis.

Lower back hurts - is it cold?

Is it really a breeze if your lower back suddenly hurts? It may be a symptom of another disease. It’s worth remembering that it’s not always the case that if your lower back hurts, it’s a “blow.” The action of cold air can provoke a lot of pathological changes in the tissues of the body. Let's list just a few of them:

  • myositis of the paravertebral muscles - there is a disruption of blood microcirculation in the thickness of the muscles and inflammation begins;
  • the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral joints is affected and arthritis occurs;
  • osteochondrosis – the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs undergo degeneration;
  • the iliosacral joints of the bones are affected;
  • radiculitis – inflammation of the radicular nerve;
  • sciatica – inflammation and compression of the sciatic nerve;
  • piriformis syndrome.

All of these conditions can lead to severe pain in the lower back after it has been blown out. But all of the listed clinical cases require different treatment. Therefore, it is worth learning some of the distinctive signs of each disease and the features of therapy.


This pathology will manifest itself not only as painful sensations in the lumbar region, but also in the buttocks, legs, and thighs. The pain may be shooting in nature or appear in the form of tingling, the person feels a constant burning sensation, and sometimes parts of the body may begin to go numb.

Sometimes the pain is so severe that the patient cannot even sit or turn or bend over. The cause of the development of the disease is considered to be the presence of an inflammatory process in the sciatic nerve. This nerve is the largest in the body, has a huge extent and is fully connected with all the formations around it: with organs located in the pelvis, the spine, the membrane of the spinal cord and others. If the nerve in the lower back is cold, the symptoms may be as described above.

Inflammation can occur due to infection or hypothermia of the nerve. Inflammatory processes that develop in surrounding organs can also provoke pathology. Very often, a disease such as sciatica occurs due to severe stress on the spine, after degeneration of the discs between the vertebrae, and various injuries. If a person has a cold in the lower back, and the symptoms coincide with those described above, then it is necessary to seek help from a specialist.

Treatment is selected individually for each patient. This is a whole complex of procedures and additionally special physical exercises are selected to strengthen the spine and back muscles. The symptoms of a cold lower back differ in men and women, so only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis.


From Greek, "spondylosis" means "vertebra". This disease is a chronic form of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine. A huge number of bone growths – osteophytes – appear at the edges of the vertebral bodies. Because of this, a strong narrowing of the spinal canal occurs and the pressure on the nerve roots increases several times.

The cause of the development of the pathology is considered to be a metabolic disorder, which leads to the deposition of salts, and over time the spine stops moving almost completely. The symptoms of a cold lower back and spondylosis are similar and may vary depending on the age of the patient. In youth, the disease occurs due to severe curvature of the spine. A sick person cannot lie down normally; he has constant pain in the lower back, which only intensifies when he takes the wrong position. In addition, the load on the lumbar region increases several times.


Pathology affects muscle fibers. It manifests itself in a chronic form and provokes the formation of very hard nodules inside the muscles. A characteristic feature of myositis is intense pain that constantly increases. Painful sensations increase during movement due to contraction of sore muscles in the lumbar region. Ultimately, this leads to maximum restriction of movement.

Myositis often causes severe muscle weakness or even atrophy. The main cause of the development of pathology is infectious diseases, but sometimes myositis occurs due to metabolic disorders. The disease can also develop after an injury or hypothermia. Only a specialist can find out whether the pain is a symptom of a cold lower back or spondylosis.

How to treat myositis

Treatment is prescribed on an individual basis, and it must be comprehensive. Medicines are selected taking into account the type of myositis. It is advisable to tie a woolen scarf around the lower back to warm the affected muscles with dry heat. Don't forget about physiotherapeutic procedures.

If myositis has developed because the patient has a cold in the lower back, an ointment against this disease can help him. Such products as “Finalgon”, “Zostrix” and “Apizartron” have performed well. The most effective treatment option for the disease is massage of the affected area. In order to penetrate as deeply as possible into the muscle, the massage should be performed exclusively by a professional.

If you want to know how to treat a cold lower back at home, then the patient can only rub the muscles with warm water with the addition of a small amount of lavender, eucalyptus, and marjoram oil. To achieve positive changes while fighting myositis, you need to contact your doctor about treating a cold lower back in order to eliminate nodular formations in the back muscles. Without fail, he will prescribe a special diet:

  • you need to completely eliminate alcohol;
  • do not eat spicy, salty and fatty foods;
  • the basis of the diet should be porridge with water, celery, turnip leaves;
  • You should definitely eat several apples a day;
  • the patient should ensure that the diet contains the maximum amount of foods with vitamin B and E.

Pathogenesis of a cold back

The mechanism of development of the disease depends primarily on the reasons that provoked it . The pathogenesis of a cold back is associated with the effects of low temperatures on a certain area of ​​the back. A muscle that has been exposed to hypothermia begins to swell, which leads to discomfort and then pain in the patient.

When the back muscle is cold, the myofibrils become inflamed and swell

The further the disease develops, the more the nerve endings located in the inflamed area will be irritated , and inflammation and swelling of the spine and nearby tissues may begin. All this can develop into a process of active compression of the nerve roots of the vertebrae and the development of more serious spinal diseases.

Consequences of a cold back

If you were somehow able to survive back pain, loss of mobility and muscle swelling, and did not treat your cold back, then you should find out what consequences this will lead to :

  • The inflammatory process, previously localized in one area, will begin to spread to neighboring ones, up to the involvement of internal organs in the process;
  • The process of muscle tissue atrophy will begin, up to complete loss of performance;
  • The respiratory process and swallowing process will be disrupted;
  • Ossification of muscle tissue will occur;
  • If the main blow falls on the cervical spine, then disturbances in the ENT organs are possible, as well as an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system;
  • A secondary infection may occur and the development of purulent myositis (for example, abscesses and phlegmon).

Considering all that has been said, we advise you to immediately consult a doctor if you have a cold in your back, or, if such cases have already happened to you and you know how to deal with them, immediately begin treatment for this disease.

Video: “What to do if your back hurts?”

Please note that the symptoms of a cold back may be similar to those of other back conditions:

  • How to relieve spasm in the back muscles?
  • Find out what to do if you have a back strain by clicking on the link
  • How to treat a bruised back tissue can be found here
  • How to treat spinal neuralgia in adults?


If treatment for osteochondrosis is started, radiculitis may begin to develop. The causes of the pathology can be different:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • improper development of the spine;
  • hypothermia;
  • heavy loads on the spine;
  • infections;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

In the presence of radiculitis, severe sharp pain occurs in the lower back, which can lead to paralysis or complete loss of sensation in the legs. Treatment must be individualized and consist of a set of procedures. Symptoms of a cold lower back in men may differ from those observed in women, so if you feel unwell, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Symptoms of a cold back

Before talking about the symptoms of the disease, you need to briefly describe the list of reasons that can cause it.

Symptoms usually begin to appear after the following factors::

  1. Swimming in cold water . We all can't resist a cold shower on a hot day. We open the windows in the room (or turn on the air conditioner) and go into the shower, so that during our absence both the room will cool down and we ourselves will take a cool shower. This situation clearly demonstrates a sharp change in temperature, which can lead to the onset of the disease. Even a contrast shower can cause back pain;
  2. Sudden temperature changes. This factor can be combined with the first one, but it also has its own independent influence . For example, you were in a hot, stuffy room for a long time (or outside in the heat), and then you entered a well-cooled air-conditioned room. This difference has an extremely adverse effect on your health;
  3. Draft . This factor occurs even in summer. For example, in open spaces (embankments or observation decks) the wind blows cold and piercing. This can only bring a cold to a hot body;
  4. Clothing inappropriate for weather conditions . Girls in short skirts and nylon tights (or even without them at all). You definitely need to cover your lower back, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid problems later.

The trapezius muscle is most often affected by hypothermia.

Symptoms begin to appear 12-13 hours after exposure to one of the presented factors.

The main symptoms of a cold back are:

  • Acute pain in the part of the back where the thoracic region passes into the lumbar region. Pain occurs only when moving;
  • The patient is constantly forced to take a constrained position, allowing him to somewhat relieve the pain;
  • There is burning and itching in the area of ​​cold muscles;
  • Your temperature may rise;
  • The skin color on the back takes on a bluish tint;
  • There are cases of loss of sensitivity and numbness;
  • In girls and women, the menstrual cycle is disrupted;
  • Pain sensations spread to the buttocks and legs;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Nausea;
  • Loss of appetite.

Video: “Myositis of the back muscles”


Stenosis occurs due to a significant reduction in the spinal canal, which leads to increased pressure on the nerve endings. In the presence of the disease, severe pain occurs not only in the lower back, but also radiates to the legs.

When you have a cold in the lower back, treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the symptoms. Modern medications and spinal corticosteroid injections are also used. If this does not bring the desired result, and the pain bothers you constantly, then surgical intervention is necessary.

If you suspect that you or a loved one has a lower back cold, signs of a particular disease will allow you to determine the cause of the progressive disease, but only a doctor can make a final diagnosis.

Common Myths

  1. Almost everyone has lower back pain and goes away without any treatment. Only 30% of all people face this problem. If you neglect treatment, you will not be able to recover on your own. Over time, the pathology develops into a chronic form, from which it will no longer be possible to get rid of it.
  2. Painful sensations in the lower back go away if you use an orthopedic pillow, corset or mattress. Monitoring your posture in different positions will, of course, be beneficial, but this is more likely prevention than treatment. For example, it will not be possible to eliminate inflammatory processes or align displaced vertebrae in this way.
  3. To relieve back pain, you need to lie down for a while. This will only help if it is advised by a specialist. Most diseases of the lumbar spine can be cured not by rest, but directly by normalized physical activity.
  4. During spine treatment, it is not necessary to make diagnostics. This opinion is very dangerous and can do a lot of harm. Diagnostics is needed to make the correct diagnosis and select the necessary treatment.
  5. Low back pain can only be treated with surgery. Indeed, sometimes it is impossible to do without surgery, but most often it is enough to take medications, massage and special exercises.

Don't believe these myths. If you consult a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations, then you can get rid of lower back pain quickly and easily. If someone has a lower back cold, the symptoms and treatment described in this article will help simplify the situation.

What to do if you have a cold in your lower back

The first thing to do if you have a cold in your lower back is to analyze your well-being. If you have the following clinical signs, you should immediately consult a doctor:

  • there is no possibility of bending forward and touching the floor with your hands;
  • body temperature increased to 37.5 - 39 °;
  • chills are felt, pain and aches appear throughout the body;
  • impaired urination (no urination for more than 6 hours or vice versa, there is a frequent unproductive urge to go to the toilet);
  • there is pain and tension in the abdominal area;
  • the legs become weak and there is a lack of muscle strength;
  • sensitivity is impaired in the legs, paresthesia is present.

The next thing to do if your lower back hurts and is blown out is to conduct a self-diagnosis. Feel the lumbar region, lightly pressing on the spinous processes. If there is pain during this, then this is a sign of osteochondrosis, spondylosis, disc protrusion, etc. If soreness is felt only in the muscles located next to the spine, then myositis most likely develops.

If your back is blown in the lumbar region, be sure to check Pasternatsky’s symptom:

  1. stand up straight;
  2. ask another person to lightly hit the area of ​​the lower costal arches from the back with the edge of their palm;
  3. If you feel a dull pain after the blow, this indicates damage to the renal pelvis; you should immediately make an appointment with a therapist or neurologist.

The next thing to do if your back is blown in the lower back is to eliminate further negative effects of cold air. It is necessary to dress according to the season and not be located near open windows or operating air conditioners.

If your back is blown in the lumbar region, you need to make an accurate diagnosis before treating it. Otherwise, all efforts will not only be in vain, but may also cause harm to human health. The exact method of how to treat if the lower back is blown can only be advised by a doctor based on the examinations performed. The patient is prescribed a general blood and urine test, rheumatic tests, and an x-ray of the lumbosacral spine. In some cases, consultations with specialized specialists are indicated: nephrologist, gynecologist, andrologist, gastroenterologist, etc.

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