Anatomy and position relative to other bones The musculoskeletal system (MSA) in adults is represented by active and
Arthrosis of the talonavicular joint is a degenerative pathology in which gradual destruction of articular tissues is noted,
The front or back of the leg may hurt due to metastasis in the bones. Discomfortable
General characteristics By this term, doctors mean numerous nonspecific discomfort sensations in the body that
In complex therapy for the treatment of knee arthrosis, ointments are used. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated comprehensively, therefore
X-rays of the hip joint are now useful not only in elderly patients in whom
The upper limb girdle (shoulder girdle) is a collection of bones and muscles that provide support
In this article you will learn why knee pain may occur on the side of the external
Clinically, arthrosis is manifested by acute or aching pain in the joints, morning stiffness, and curvature of the limbs.
In addition to aesthetic discomfort, hematomas are characterized by pain and worsen the quality of life. This is why the desire arises