Consultation with a rheumatologist – RUB 1,750. Autoimmune myositis is a group of autoimmune rheumatic diseases
What to do? Emergency care for superficial trauma (superficial scratches, minor bruises) can be provided
Cervical osteochondrosis is a pathology that occurs quite often. Many factors of everyday life have an adverse effect
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At first glance, injury to any area of the human body does not seem to be as serious a condition as
On the basis of the seventh department of the National Medical Research Center for Pediatric Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. G.I. Turner is held
Pain in the ribs or under the ribs often causes people to seek help from doctors
Electrophoresis for children Electrophoresis is a modern high-tech type of physiotherapeutic treatment, which consists of
Animal Flex Complex is specially designed to strengthen your joints and ligaments and provide support.
Almost every person experienced severe headaches, back pain, sleep disturbances, dizziness