The gastrocnemius muscle provides movement of the foot in the sagittal plane and stabilizes the body during movement. Sharp
“The tailbone hurts after a fall” - very often people come to the traumatologist with such a complaint,
11/13/2020 The humerus, which has a tubular shape, is located between the shoulder girdle and the elbow. Most susceptible to injury
The cervical spine is quite sensitive, and therefore is more susceptible to the influence of negative factors.
The largest medical portal dedicated to injuries to the human body Doctor’s consultation Skeletal traction for a tibia fracture
There is an opportunity to install a blockade in Krasnoyarsk at the KIT clinic. Contact us for this service
The quadriceps femoris muscle (quadriceps) belongs to the anterior muscle group of the thigh, an extensor muscle that is responsible for
Causes of the pathology The causes of the development of neuralgia can be different: inflammatory processes, injuries, bacteria and viruses,
Varicose veins in the lower extremities are always associated with unpleasant and painful symptoms. For
Cervical spine instability - symptoms and treatment If instability is present, treatment should be