The tailbone hurts during pregnancy in the early and late stages: causes and treatment
In the life of every woman, the time spent waiting for the birth of a child is one of the most
Cauda equina syndrome or When lower back pain is not just pain
Find out more about other diseases starting with the letter “C”: Compression of the brain; Senile chorea; Sensitive
Oxygen starvation of the brain: symptoms and treatment
It is very difficult to predict the occurrence of hypoxia. The disease can develop not only in very old age,
Therapeutic massage of the lumbosacral spine
When a person has chronic back pain due to excessive physical exertion or work that requires a standing position
Pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back
If there is any pain, you should be wary, especially if it is pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the
Chest injuries causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention methods
Various unforeseen situations can happen in our lives. Being insured against an accident is not
The finger on the left hand twitches: possible causes, methods of treatment
There are many different causes of trembling in the hands, and it is very important for a person to distinguish between what
How to recognize that your ear is broken and what treatment will be needed
Human ears have elastic cartilage and soft tissue that protect the eardrums from adverse influences.
Menopause, mood swings and depression: how to stay in control
Medical information is reliable Checked by Shaidullin Renat Flyurovich Depression is a disease of our time, so
Inversion table for the spine: benefits and contraindications of the simulator
Chronic back pain is the scourge of modern society, because at the moment the most common
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