Our view on the treatment of patients with chondromas of the hand bones
Chondroma is a benign tumor consisting of mature cartilage cells. Usually grows slowly and
Arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
What is TMJ arthrosis? TMJ arthrosis is a disease that destroys the components that form the joint (Greek arthron
Rotation of the vertebrae of the thoracic and cervical spine
Violation of the structure of the spinal column does not always lead to serious complications that give pronounced clinical symptoms.
How to fix drooping shoulders: tips and exercises
The mechanism of the appearance of pathology When one shoulder is lower, the other is higher, this is always associated with curvature
Arthrosis of the facet joints of the lumbar spine: diagnosis and treatment
Arthrosis of the facet joints of the spine is a chronic relapsing disease accompanied by their gradual destruction. At the initial
Modern approach to the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis
Arthritis, arthrosis - diseases with an inflammatory course, in which the synovial membrane of the joint is affected and
Psychosomatics of cervical osteochondrosis and treatment methods
The psychological and physiological states of a person are closely interconnected; the study of this relationship is carried out by science
Tenosynovitis of the ankle joint: causes of development, characteristic symptoms and treatment
What is tenosynovitis Tenosynovitis of the ankle joint is a disease that is characterized by an acute inflammatory process.
Is it possible to do massage with intervertebral hernia of the spine?
Spinal hernia can rightfully be called one of the most common diseases that literally overshadows
Arthrosis of the cervical spine: everything you wanted to know
The risk of developing shoulder arthrosis increases with age. But an injury, such as a dislocated shoulder, may
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