Many users of different ages are interested in how to straighten a shoulder on their own and what is needed for this.
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Home / Departments / X-ray / X-ray of the hip joint X-ray of the hip joint is performed in
Every third appeal to an oncologist on social networks or on remote consultation portals is formulated
Flat foot, what is it Development of the foot Causes of the disease Types of flat feet in children
If there is an imbalance of nutrients in the human body, including minerals and salts,
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Lumbar puncture is the procedure of inserting a needle into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord at the lumbar level.
Radicular syndrome is a complex pathology, the etymology of which can be different. Destructive changes in vertebral discs
Interfibular syndesmosis is the connection of the tibia and fibula in the distal region in the area