What to do if a red spot appears on your leg that itches and peels

Hives are an allergic disease that appears as spots or red, intensely itchy plaques on the skin. Prevalence depends on age and environmental conditions, as well as comorbidities. The most common allergic dermatosis is recurrent urticaria.

The swelling and itching caused by hives can be severe. The feature that distinguishes this disease from others is red spots on the surface of the skin. They have irregular edges and small bubbles. Typically, hives are caused by allergies. When an allergen enters the body, histamine is released into the bloodstream and causes: swelling, redness and itching.

Types of urticaria

There are two forms of the disease: acute and chronic. Acute urticaria is often caused by food allergies, insect bites, medications, or exposure to an allergen. It lasts, as a rule, up to 1.5 months.

Chronic urticaria lasts more than 6 weeks. It can begin when the immune system attacks the body's tissues, thereby causing an autoimmune reaction. Antibodies (proteins that normally fight bacteria and viruses) cause the release of histamine, which leads to lesions on the skin.

The rash can be localized or appear anywhere on the body, from the neck to the knees. Rarely does the allergy affect the arms, legs and face, unlike angioedema. Characterized by the appearance of rashes and spots on the skin. There is also swelling in the eyelids, lips and larynx.

Angioedema urticaria is a medical emergency because it can cause breathing problems and suffocation.

It is believed that 30 to 50% of cases with chronic urticaria have an autoimmune cause. The reason why autoimmune urticaria develops is unknown, even though it often occurs along with other autoimmune diseases such as:

  • rheumatoid arthritis – the immune system attacks the joints;
  • lupus – the immune system attacks the joints and skin.

In rare cases, chronic hives can also be caused by other infections (eg Helicobacter), hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), hepatitis B or C (liver infections), intestinal parasites.

Table - Types of urticaria in children

Name Peculiarities
Immune (IgE-dependent - food, drug, helminth; complement components - anaphylotoxins C3a and C5a; complement-induced - hereditary or acquired deficiency of the C-1q inactivator) Characterized by skin damage and itching. Quincke's edema, urticarial type of vasculitis and anaphylactoid urticarial reaction are possible.
Non-immune (based on a pseudo-allergic reaction) There is no true reaction of interaction between antibody and antigen with the formation of an immune complex. Ig-E does not increase. Occurs due to consumption of foods that contain vasoactive amines.
Pigmented Accompanied by an increase in the number of mast cells. Often found on the upper and lower extremities or trunk. May damage internal organs and be accompanied by systemic mastocytosis.
Vascular urticaria or vasculitis It is characterized by several lesions that have an unusual shape and disappear after a few days. Other symptoms of urticaria vasculitis include fever, joint and muscle discomfort, abdominal pain and


Dry eczema

Sometimes white, dry, flaky patches on the skin of the legs can indicate dry eczema. With this disease, dryness and tightness of the skin first occurs, then peeling and unbearable itching occur, and cracks may occur. In addition to the legs, the hands, the space between the fingers, and even the face are often affected.

The causes of dry eczema can be bacterial and fungal infections, allergens, synthetic clothing, poor hygiene and other factors.

As you can see, the appearance of dry patches on the skin can be due to a variety of reasons.
The characteristics of the immune system and the tendency to allergic reactions play an important role. But in any case, when dry spots appear, it is important to consult a dermatologist and determine the cause of this skin condition. July 5, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

Causes of urticaria

As soon as the hypothalamus registers an increase in body temperature in the brain, it sends an impulse to neurons that activate the sweat glands. Neurons release acetylcholine, which stimulates the release of histamine and heparin from mast cells in the skin (mast cell degranulation). This degranulation results in a diffuse release of histamine near the sweat glands. Histamine activates an inflammatory response in surrounding tissues and causes itching and redness. When you sweat (which is difficult for people with cholinergic urticaria), the skin reaction stops.

Chronic stress and nervousness can trigger an attack of psychosomatic urticaria. When constantly anxious, the body releases higher amounts of cortisol and adrenaline (stress hormones). But when the body is constantly in a state of tension and hormones continue to be released into the bloodstream, hormonal imbalance occurs. Adrenaline and cortisol combine with mast cells in the skin to produce histamine. Elevated levels of cortisol in the body cause allergic skin reactions such as hives and may even slow down healing.

Urticaria is usually a consequence of an allergic reaction in children when the body is exposed to the following allergens:

  • pollen of flowering plants;
  • house dust (dust mites);
  • pet hair;
  • some preservatives;
  • Food.

Hives can also occur when a child wears clothes that are too tight and made from irritating materials such as polyester. It can also be caused by infections caused by bacteria, viruses or other microorganisms.

Some medications, such as ibuprofen, can cause hives in children as a side effect. Also, such a reaction can occur if the child has an individual intolerance to one or another substance included in the medicine. Most often these are antibacterial and non-steroidal drugs.

If children are suddenly exposed to large temperature fluctuations, hives may result. Likewise, prolonged exposure to the sun or cold can cause a similar skin reaction. In rare cases, urticaria can develop due to diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma. This happens because the immune system is weakened.

Hives in children can also be caused by insect bites, which can lead to significant swelling. If it's a mosquito or spider bite, sensitive skin may respond by releasing histamine, which causes hives. Contact with various viruses or bacteria can cause a diffuse rash. Reddened plaques can be observed throughout the body.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common causes of edema. Due to the weakening of the tone of the venous walls, the blood in the vessels stagnates, and the fluid pressure in the vessels increases. The body tries to regulate this situation on its own, and as a result, some of the fluid leaks into the tissue surrounding the vessel.

Varicose swelling usually worsens in the evening. To relieve the condition, you need to lie down and elevate your legs. You can also wear compression stockings (if you have one) or do some exercises to get your blood flowing. It is also useful to make contrast baths.

But if you notice a combination of redness of the skin on your legs and swelling, we recommend that you consult a doctor. This may be a manifestation of thrombophlebitis - a dangerous condition when the lumen of a vein is closed by a thrombus, a blood clot. As a result, blood flow through such a vessel stops.

Thrombophlebitis requires mandatory treatment from a specialist. If blood clots form in the lumens of the vein, it means that a floating thrombus may form in one of the vessels. It is able to move through the bloodstream, and can ultimately clog the pulmonary vessels.

So, if your legs are very red and swollen, or if the redness on your leg is accompanied by pain, rush to the doctor. After all, this may be the result of a minor injury, or it may indicate a somatic disease or the formation of blood clots. Only a specialist will determine the true cause of your condition and help normalize the situation. Treat yourself and your health carefully and feel light and comfortable!

Symptoms of urticaria

Hives appear as red spots, swelling and blisters. The main symptoms are itching and burning sensation on the skin. Symptoms may progress and spread to other areas of the body.

Additional symptoms of urticaria in children include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased body temperature;
  • discomfort in the joints.

The spots can be as small as a dot or the size of a coin. Typically, spots appear and disappear within a few hours. However, chronic hives can last for more than 6 weeks.

Folk remedies

Along with medications, for red spots on the legs that itch and cause discomfort, it is useful to use traditional medicine recipes. They will be effective for skin irritation, allergies, insect vinegar, frostbite.

Popular folk remedies:

  1. Herbal decoctions and infusions. In particular, medications based on chamomile, marigold, eucalyptus, and St. John's wort are good at eliminating itching and redness. You can make lotions and compresses, or simply wipe problem areas on your feet. But if the itching is unbearable, then it is recommended to freeze the broth and then wipe the spots with it. This approach will help eliminate discomfort.
  2. In case of fungal infection, it is recommended to use an infusion of celandine. At 8 tbsp. l. herbs you need to take 3 liters of boiling water and steam. Keep covered for 45 minutes, then strain and add to a bath of water or basin. Immerse your feet in the solution and keep it until it cools completely. The infusion can be used for compresses, but to do this you need to pour 1 spoon of the raw material into a glass of boiling water.
  3. Viburnum juice. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. Used to wipe away red spots resulting from allergies, fungus, and skin irritation.

If the red spots on the legs are flaky and occur due to excessive dryness of the skin, then rubbing coconut or olive oil into the epidermis in the morning and evening will help get rid of them. Carry out the procedure after taking a shower or bath.

Preventive measures in this case are simple. It is necessary to carefully monitor body hygiene, use only high-quality and suitable cosmetics, refuse to take medications on your own, and eat a healthy and balanced diet. It is also recommended to avoid contact with stray animals, but if this fails, after coming home you should wash your hands well and treat them with an antiseptic: this will prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.

Diagnosis of urticaria in children

A preliminary diagnosis is made by the doctor after an initial examination of the skin.
The doctor knows exactly what urticaria looks like in a child, so he will not confuse it with manifestations of other diseases. For allergies, the following tests are prescribed:

  • general blood test to exclude immune and inflammatory processes;
  • allergy tests to identify the allergen.

In some situations, a biochemical blood test and examination for helminthic and parasitic diseases are performed. If necessary, a thyroid examination is prescribed to identify hyper- and hypothyroidism.

Stages and symptoms of the disease. Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis

The stages of atopic dermatitis usually depend on the age of the patient.

  • In infants at 2–3 months, a rash first appears on the cheeks and chin, which turns red, enlarges and begins to become weeping. As soon as the child begins to crawl, such blisters appear on exposed areas of the elbows and knees. The child is restless due to itching and constant skin irritation. By 1.5 years, the disease activity gradually subsides.
  • In older children, the rash appears behind the knees, on the inside of the elbows, on the neck, wrists, ankles, and hands. It is represented by compactions, which are then covered with scales from constant scratching. The skin around the lips becomes inflamed and painful cracks appear on it. In severe cases of the disease, the child's growth slows down. After puberty, the manifestations of the disease disappear in almost all patients.
  • Some adults have been ill since childhood; the first manifestation of the disease in adulthood is less typical. Symptoms of the pathology are typical, most often the limbs are affected, and a rash around the nipples occurs. There is dryness, cracks and itching of the skin on the arms and legs. Sleep and performance suffer. One of the common concomitant diseases in this case is early cataracts, so patients with atopic dermatitis need to be regularly examined by an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis:

  • the main symptom is itching of the skin, accompanied by scratching and secondary infection;
  • during the period of remission, dry skin and cracking are noted;
  • During the period of exacerbation, weeping crusts form in the affected areas, the skin turns red and swells.

Diagnosis of atopic dermatitis should be carried out by an experienced dermatologist. It is based on an assessment of the external skin reaction and the patient’s complaints. A special scale of disorders has been developed, with the help of which the diagnosis is confirmed.

Additionally, the blood is examined to determine the number of eosinophils (allergic cells) and specific immunoglobulins E (antibodies to specific allergens).

Skin biopsy and skin allergy tests are not used in the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis.

Treatment of urticaria

Pharmaceutical drugs used to treat urticaria should be taken as recommended by your doctor. The best treatment for this condition is to know and avoid trigger factors. The hives will probably go away on their own. But at the same time, medical supervision is a prerequisite to exclude the development of complications.

Treatment for urticaria in children includes:

  • taking antihistamines to reduce the rash;
  • eliminating foods that cause hives;
  • prescribing diuretics to eliminate severe edema;
  • using antipruritic ointments to relieve the condition.
  • in some situations, hormones are used (topically and by injection).

You need to keep a diary about what the child does and eats. This approach allows us to identify predisposing factors and eliminate them.

Gradually, one can narrow down the real causes and respond accordingly.

With such a complication as Quincke's edema, coughing attacks appear and breathing becomes difficult. In this case, urticaria in children requires emergency care.

Young children often experience swelling of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which is accompanied by vomiting. In severe cases, damage to the nervous system and brain occurs. Such conditions are dangerous to health and life, so delaying a visit to the doctor is unacceptable.

Most children switched to a hypoallergenic diet recover quickly and recover even without medication.

Doctor, what's wrong with me?

If your legs (or one leg) are swollen and red, we recommend consulting a doctor.
Especially if swelling occurs regularly. According to experts, swelling is not the norm. Even if you stand on your feet all day and are tired, the presence of recurring swelling still indicates certain problems. Do not self-medicate, especially if you notice redness and pain on your leg. This condition may be the result of an injury that you did not pay attention to at first. Or it may indicate the presence of a serious illness (including thrombophlebitis), for which it is necessary to receive professional medical help as quickly as possible. There may be several reasons for swelling and redness of the leg.

Forecast and prevention of urticaria

Hives usually go away over time. However, it is impossible to predict how long this problem will persist. In many cases, the disease can be controlled by avoiding trigger substances and taking antihistamines.

Prevention methods include diet control and avoidance of contact with volatile and food allergens. You should wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics and not cause stress in your child. It is unacceptable to neglect chronic diseases.

Before treating hives in a child, you should consult your doctor. Contact a pediatrician or allergist at the RebenOK clinic in Moscow. We employ specialists with extensive practical experience. Thanks to modern equipment, it is possible to quickly diagnose and, based on the results obtained, prescribe effective therapy.

Modern treatment of erysipelas

To avoid the transition from mild forms of the disease to more complex ones, as well as the possible complication of erysipelas in the lower extremities resulting from varicose veins, it must be treated promptly and adequately. Of course, this disease, especially its initial stages, is not a reason for hospitalization, but if erysipelas is advanced, the doctor will suggest hospital treatment as the best solution.

A number of antibiotics are prescribed as drug therapy, since staphylococcus is a bacterium. In addition, various physical procedures are used to dry out the inflamed and non-healing area of ​​the skin, for example, ultraviolet irradiation. Problem areas can also be treated using laser therapy. Modern therapy for erysipelas includes the local application of antiseptic dressings and solutions. This is a very important and even leading component of treatment, as it gives a very good medical effect.

Very often, after the first erysipelas, a relapse occurs. The first time, erysipelas mainly affects only one, specific area of ​​the soft tissues of the face or lower extremities. But for the second time it can affect a large area, causing a significant inflammatory reaction. To protect yourself from this disease, it is necessary to treat varicose veins, which are often the root cause of erysipelas on the legs. If normal blood circulation is restored, the skin will receive enough nutrition, therefore, necrosis and various ulcers will not appear. Of course, good hygiene is also the key to avoiding erysipelas.

Leading modern European studies speak about the polyetiological nature of erysipelas. That is, the disease is caused by a complex of factors. These include disorders of the immune status, diseases of the lymphatic and venous systems. Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are also significantly susceptible to erysipelas. A good, competent doctor who knows innovative techniques, using modern medications, will be able to stop erysipelas without much difficulty. It is much more difficult to prevent relapse. Here it is necessary to understand the reason that caused the erysipelas. In Moscow and the Moscow region, innovative technologies for comprehensive examination of patients are more accessible. Therefore, it is usually easier to find out the cause of erysipelas in a metropolis like Moscow. Various public and private city medical centers today are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of erysipelas, diseases of the veins and lymphatic system. However, you must always contact good doctors, European-level professionals who know and apply modern diagnostic and treatment methods, even in Moscow.

The best remedies for flaking, red spots and itching

When red spots and peeling appear on the surface of the limbs, you should immediately begin treatment. But only a doctor can prescribe an effective and most suitable remedy. He makes a preliminary diagnosis and establishes the main cause that caused the rash.

What can you buy at the pharmacy?

Before prescribing a suitable drug, an examination is carried out. It helps to identify the disease or condition that caused the red spots with peeling and other unpleasant symptoms.

Important! Under no circumstances should you start using medications on your own. You should definitely consult your doctor first. If the medication is chosen incorrectly, serious health problems can arise.

Depending on the diagnosis, drugs from different groups can be used:

  • Antihistamine type. These medications are prescribed in the presence of allergic reactions. The most effective include “Fenistil”, “Suprastin”, “Zodak”, “Citrine”;
  • Antimiconics. Medicines included in this group are used to treat fungal diseases. Fluconazole, Nystatin, Clotrimazole have a good effect;
  • Sorbents. The drugs help cleanse the body of toxins and waste that provoke allergic reactions. Among the effective sorbents are Enterosgel, activated carbon;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Often with rashes there is a feeling of burning, itching, pain, severe irritation, swelling, and inflammation. The use of such products as Zinc ointment, Irikar, Bepanten help eliminate unpleasant phenomena;
  • Hormonal medications. Drugs such as Hydrocortisone ointment, Advantan, and Flucinar help eliminate red spots in psoriasis, eczema, and severe dermatitis.

Rashes often form when the immune system is weakened and vitamin deficiency occurs. In these situations, vitamin complexes are prescribed - “Alphabet”, “Vitrum”, “Complivit”, “Elevit Pronatal” and others.

Home Recipes

Homemade remedies are recommended to be used as an addition to primary medical therapy. They will help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and speed up the recovery process.

The most effective folk remedies include:

  • Pickle from sauerkraut. It is recommended to lubricate stains that appear due to allergies with liquid;
  • For severe redness, you should use a decoction of oak bark. Pour 1 large spoon of the plant into a bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. It takes about 20-30 minutes to insist. Areas with stains are treated with a decoction;
  • If the redness is very itchy and flaky, then you can use raw potatoes. To do this, rub it through a fine grater. The mixture is applied to areas with rashes as a compress for 15 minutes.

Note! To alleviate the condition and eliminate severe itching, you can take baths with medicinal plants - chamomile, celandine, birch leaves and buds. They will speed up the process of eliminating all unpleasant rashes.

What do experts advise?

Treatment of rashes on the legs with different etiologies should be carried out by specialists. They will be able to select the most suitable therapy that will quickly eliminate the main cause of redness.

Many experts advise following the following recommendations:

  • If the spots appear due to allergies, then in addition to using medications, you should follow a special diet and devote more time to active exercises;
  • If red spots on your legs are very itchy and itchy, then it is better to use antihistamines and absorbents;
  • Psoriasis and eczema often cause scaly patches. In these situations, it is necessary to undergo comprehensive treatment, which will be aimed at eliminating the main symptoms;
  • If rashes appear due to varicose veins, then treatment should be carried out under the supervision of surgeons. For this pathology, venotonics are used;
  • In case of hypothermia and bruises of the leg, it is necessary to rub it well using alcohol, vodka or ointments with a warming effect.

Important! Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. If you don’t know the main reason that triggered the rash, you will definitely choose inappropriate therapy, which will cause serious harm instead of benefit.

For more information about the causes of itching and spots on the legs, as well as treatment methods, watch the video:

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