Exercises for the spine. Tilts in the pelvic area

The pelvis is one of the most important, although sometimes ignored, parts of the skeleton. The pelvis is shaped like a basket with a tip and its cavity contains many vital organs, including the intestines and bladder. In addition, the pelvis is at the center of gravity of the skeleton. If the body is compared to a pencil balanced horizontally on a finger, its point of balance (center of gravity) will be the pelvis.

Therefore, it is obvious that the location of the pelvis greatly affects posture. It's the same as if the central block in the tower is offset, and in this case all the blocks above the offset risk falling. And if you compare the central block with a box, then tilting can lead to the box falling out. Similar mechanisms occur when the pelvis is tilted, and the contents of the pelvis shift forward. The result is a protruding belly and protruding buttocks. Since the pelvis is the junction of the upper and lower torso, it plays a key role in body movement and balance. The pelvic bones provide support to the most important supporting part of the body – the spine. In addition, the pelvis allows the lower limbs and torso to move in a coordinated manner (in tandem). When the pelvis is positioned normally, various movements are possible, twisting and bending and the biomechanics of movements are balanced and the distribution of load vectors is even. Displacement (distortion) of the pelvis from normal positions causes dysfunctional disorders of the spine, as there is a change in the axis of load distribution during movement. For example, if there is a misalignment of the axle in a car, then rapid wear of the wheels occurs. Something similar happens in the spine, lever effects and excess load on certain points occur, which lead to rapid wear and tear of the spinal structures. Therefore, often the main cause of back and neck pain is a change in the position of the pelvis (displacement, distortion). Changing the position changes the biomechanics, which can lead to degenerative changes in the spine, disc herniation, scoliosis, osteoarthritis, spinal canal stenosis, sciatica, etc. Pelvic misalignment also leads to pain and dysfunction in the neck, neck pain radiating to the shoulders and arms, and contributes to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome and other problems in the extremities.

What is displacement of the pelvic bones?

Pelvic distortion is a pathological condition in which the bones of the joint are located asymmetrically in relation to the spine and/or limbs. Such a problem leads not only to external changes in the human body. The most important thing is that when the bone structures are displaced, the functionality of the pelvic joint suffers. Internal organs, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and the spine are exposed to pathological effects. All this leads to the development of serious health problems in various systems, not just the musculoskeletal system. As a result, the quality of life of such people deteriorates significantly.

How to tell if you have a posterior pelvic tilt

Two finger test

Stand up straight, place one finger on the protruding pelvic bone in front, and the other on the protruding pelvic bone in the back. If your pelvis is tilted backward, the finger on the front bone of the pelvis will be significantly higher than the finger on the back.

Movement test

Stand in front of a mirror or ask your partner to take a photo of you to evaluate your posture from the outside. Bend forward, do a squat, or simply sit on a chair.

Rounded back during squats

If this causes your lower back to round, it may be due to a posterior pelvic tilt.

Wall test

Wall Test
Sit next to a wall, press your back against it and stretch your legs forward. If you can't straighten your legs without twisting your lumbar spine, you have a posterior pelvic tilt.

Reasons for the development of the problem

Pelvic distortion can occur at any age and is either a consequence of congenital developmental anomalies or is formed under the influence of external risk factors. When it comes to postural disorders in children and adults, it is not always possible to say exactly what was primary: pathological changes in the spine or the bones of the pelvic joint. The main reasons for the development of displacement of the bone structures of the pelvis: - Muscular imbalance Due to a lack of physical activity or incorrect posture during prolonged sitting, some pelvic muscles may be constantly overstrained, while others will be underused. — Bone injuries Most often, displacement of the bone structures of the pelvis occurs due to improperly healed fractures. — Injuries to the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis Damaged muscles and ligaments may become less elastic, which leads to displacement of bone structures. Also, pelvic distortion can occur against the background of excessive physical activity, for example, among professional athletes. — Scoliosis It can be both a cause and a consequence of a skewed pelvic joint. The problem most often begins to form in childhood and is a serious violation of posture that requires complex correction. — Pregnancy Features of the female pelvis provide for changes during the period of gestation. However, such an influence can lead to pelvic distortion both during pregnancy and during labor, especially if we are talking about a large fetus. — Shortening of the leg. Different lengths of the limbs can be both a cause and a consequence of displacement of the bones in the pelvis. A similar problem can arise due to congenital developmental abnormalities or due to external influences. The pathology can be corrected through an integrated approach, after determining the root cause of disorders in the musculoskeletal system. — Herniated disc

Due to osteochondrosis, especially of the lumbar region, herniated discs can form. This is often accompanied by muscle spasms, which contributes to the development of functional pelvic distortion.

— Consequences of operations We are talking about surgical interventions in the pelvis and hip joints. Proper recovery after surgery is a very important point to prevent the development of many complications, including displacement of bone structures. Identifying the exact cause of the formation of an asymmetrical arrangement of bones in the pelvis is the first stage of developing an individual treatment plan. Without addressing the root cause of the pathological displacement, the problem may return again or may not be able to be adequately corrected at all.

Why does the pelvis tilt backward?

The main causes of this disorder are long periods of time spent sitting and incorrect body position.

If you maintain an incorrect position for 6-8 hours every day, your body will adapt to it. As a result, some muscles become too tight, while others become too stretched and weak.

Stiff muscles

Weak muscles

Stiff muscles pull your pelvis along with you and tilt it back, not only when you sit, but also when you stand, walk or squat.

Manifestations of skew

Depending on the severity of the displacement, the intensity and variety of clinical manifestations of the problem may differ. A slight distortion of the pelvis may not show itself symptomatically at all, but this does not mean that there is no pathological effect on organs and systems. The disorder needs to be corrected in any case, which is why preventive visits to specialists in childhood are so important.

Common symptoms that may occur when the pelvis is distorted: – pain that occurs mainly during physical activity; – restriction in movements (stiffness); – imbalance of balance, which can lead to frequent falls and unsteadiness during movements; – pain in the lower back, buttocks, thighs, which can radiate to different parts of the body; – pain in the groin area; – formation of differences in the length of the lower limbs of varying degrees of severity (shortening of one leg); – disturbances in the functioning of the bladder with symptoms of diseases of the urinary system; – disruption of the intestines with the possible formation of symptoms of diseases of the digestive tract; – various disorders of the reproductive organs; – externally visible asymmetry of the pelvic region, as well as various postural disorders. The variety of clinical manifestations of pelvic distortion is due to the fact that displacement of bone structures can lead to compression of the nerves, which is reflected by pain in different areas, at first glance, not related to the pelvic joint. Displacement of organs in the pelvis can lead to disruption of their functioning and provoke a variety of diseases. At the same time, again, it is not always possible to immediately notice a direct connection between the disease and the musculoskeletal system.

What is the danger?

Of course, many are interested in why such a situation is dangerous. “Firstly, for women, a skewed pelvis means problems during pregnancy and childbirth. There may be a threat of termination of pregnancy, and childbirth may be difficult. This means that the child will receive a birth injury with all the ensuing consequences,” says Vladimir Zhivotov.

It is also worth remembering what was said above - a skewed pelvis does not exist by itself. “It has underlying causes, which means that the body already has or will develop other symptoms and disorders in the future. Surely there is scoliosis and flat feet. Or the stomach sticks out, and there are such problems as back pain and intervertebral hernia,” notes Zhivotov.

The misalignment of the pelvis itself also indicates that all lower limbs are working under overload, notes the osteopath. Consequently, the joints wear out faster than expected. This means that coxarthrosis, arthrosis of the ankle and knee joints may develop in the future.

Consequences of pelvic distortion

Displacement of the bone structures of the pelvis, even to a minimal extent, disrupts the overall balance in the functioning of the body. In the absence of timely treatment, this can lead to a number of unpleasant and sometimes irreversible consequences.

– Incorrect distribution of the load on the spinal column can cause the development of various postural disorders, including scoliosis. Increased pressure on certain areas of the spine increases the risk of degenerative changes, which subsequently causes the development of protrusions, hernias, and spinal canal stenosis. – Displacement of the pelvis, and then displacement of the vertebrae, lead to chronic pain syndromes in different parts of the body. A person may have pain in the lower back, hip, lower legs, and even feet, arms, head - it all depends on the degree and location of the displacement. – Various diseases of internal organs that develop due to their displacement and/or compression, impaired blood supply, innervation and lymphatic drainage. – Shortening of one of the limbs due to changes in the anatomical symmetry of the pelvis, as well as uneven distribution of the load on the legs.

Will an insole help?

From the above, we understand that orthopedists have learned to determine the presence of pelvic distortion. Although they do not go into much detail about this phenomenon, they simply state: “Pelvic distortion.” It doesn't matter which one. The main thing is that the pelvis is crooked. And therefore one leg will be shorter. It was this moment that became significant in the last decade: since the leg is shorter, it means you can put in an insole! Or better yet, “individual”, that’s better. And we will make it right there, in front of you.

However, the problem is not in the insole itself. And the fact is that they sculpt it for everyone. Literally. From a child who has barely begun to walk to an old man who has lived for 60 years with such a pelvis and a short leg, and everything in his body has long been adapted to such a pelvis. Does he need to break the chain of adaptations in his seventh decade?

In some cases, wearing an insole is justified and gives a good auxiliary effect. However, in my practice I have seen a lot of cases of unjustified use of insoles. Therefore, before making an insole for yourself or your child, consult an experienced Osteopath.

Treatment at the Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic “Quality of Life”

The “Quality of Life” Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic provides comprehensive diagnostics and treatment for patients with pelvic bone displacement. We work with patients of any age, including young children, detecting the problem at the earliest stages, when it has not yet had time to lead to complications. The sooner a pelvic distortion is diagnosed, the more successful and faster its treatment will be. Therefore, you should visit osteopathic specialists for preventive purposes in childhood.

Features of the treatment of bone displacement in the pelvis in the clinic: – In-depth comprehensive examination of patients. Each client undergoes a series of diagnostic measures, during which doctors identify the exact cause of the development of displacement. We do not treat individual muscle groups or bone structures simply with exercises or osteopathic techniques, but try to balance the functioning of the body as a whole.

– Comprehensive treatment according to an individual plan includes not only the work of an experienced osteopath, but also a physical therapy specialist, and, if necessary, a psychologist and neurologist. This approach allows you to achieve overall health of the body.

– Osteopathic treatment is safe and has proven effectiveness. It can be performed even on newborn children and pregnant women. – Application of effective exercise therapy techniques. Kinesio taping is the application of special tapes to improve microcirculation, relieve pain, and restore the functional activity of muscles and ligaments. The PNF technique allows you to work with isolated body segments, while taking into account the physiological chains of movements. – The use of the modern REDCORD system, with which you can work with the patient without axial load on his spine. The technique allows you to turn on certain areas of a person’s muscles that are not used under normal conditions. The clinic’s specialists are qualified doctors with medical education who have undergone additional training. We work with clinical cases of any complexity and do not simply eliminate symptoms or influence the mechanisms of development of the problem, but establish interactions between all organs and systems.

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Diagnosis of pelvic organ prolapse does not cause difficulties for a specialist dealing with this issue. It is enough to conduct a standard gynecological examination and perform several provocative tests (pushing hard or coughing). During the examination, it will be possible to tell which part of the vagina/organ has suffered the most: the anterior wall/bladder, the upper part of the vagina/uterus and the posterior wall of the vagina/rectum.

The degree of prolapse is also determined: if the prolapsed organs do not extend beyond the vagina, then this is degree 1 or 2; if this happened, then grade 3 or 4 (with complete prolapse of the vaginal walls). Unfortunately, doctors who are not involved in the treatment of these patients often incorrectly assess the degree of the disease and incorrectly determine those parts of the pelvic floor that are involved in it. For the most part, problems in the treatment of this category of patients are associated with errors at the diagnostic stage.

How to prevent skew in children

Children are usually very mobile and often fall. Often the falls are quite strong. Oblique falls, as well as falls on the sacrum and coccyx, are especially dangerous. No matter how hard we try, we cannot completely protect children from this. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent pelvic distortion. All you and I can do for our children are two things:

  1. Teach them to fall correctly and jump from heights correctly. This will be very useful to them in the future.
  2. Regularly show each child to an experienced Osteopath. Even if he doesn't complain about anything. When he starts complaining, it will be too late. The osteopath will promptly eliminate all newly emerging dysfunctions, distortions, and microtraumas in your child. This way they will not accumulate and lead to sad consequences. Such as scoliosis, for example.
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