A hangover sometimes seems like fate's response to the fun of the previous evening or night. But that's it
Causes of osteoporosis Osteoporosis develops gradually. This is a chronic and progressive disease. Bone degradation
Causes The process of studying the causes of fibromyalgia is still ongoing. Some researchers study hormonal
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Advice for those suffering from lumbago 22482 Complaints that the lower back is blown can come from patients
Infectious-inflammatory causes When inflammation or infection develops, throbbing pain appears in the legs, the skin around
Gout occurs due to the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint structures. It's a rheumatic disease
Myelodysplasia is a congenital disease characterized by pathological changes in the spinal column and spinal cord. Pathology
Injuries to the hand can be different, both in location and in the nature of the damage.
Paresis of the left or right foot is a symptom of many diseases of the nervous system. At the Yusupov hospital