The use of the drug Alflutop as an opportunity to increase the effectiveness of traditional therapy for patients suffering from back pain

Drug for joints Alflutop - reviews


The neurologist prescribed me alflutop, after the 2nd injection a headache appeared, I couldn’t lift my eyes to the top of my eyes, the pressure decreased, anxiety and panic also appeared, my disease (osteochondrosis) did not help, the money was thrown away


I don’t know, high and low blood pressure from alflutop makes me feel unwell, can anyone tell me maybe it’s there or not?


This drug was prescribed by a neurologist. After the second injection, a rapid heartbeat, insomnia, blood pressure surges, a feeling of nausea, a heavy and cloudy head, decreased attention, a feeling of drooping eyebrows, swelling of the eyelids, severe weakness, and periodic blocking of the left ear appeared. In my case, it’s wasted money, deterioration of well-being, and irritation. When the above symptoms appeared, I immediately stopped injecting. The general opinion about Alflutop is that it is an unpredictable drug with possible negative health consequences. At the level of intuition, there was a strong feeling that this was yet another advertised poison.


I pierced it, aflutop doesn’t help, it’s a useless drug


After taking Alflutop, my blood pressure rose sharply to 190/80, as soon as I stopped injecting the blood pressure regulated


I started giving intramuscular injections, severe shortness of breath and chest pain began, this had not happened before the injections. I didn’t find such symptoms in anyone in the reviews


Absolutely useless drug. Just as my whole spine hurt, it still hurts. Wasted money.


Did not help. Money wasted, it doesn’t help with scoliosis and osteochondrosis


Aflutop is now prescribed to everyone indiscriminately. A fashionable drug, expensive. But useless. I underwent a course of treatment with Aflutop and my friends did it. Useless. Throwing away money. The effect is zero. It’s a waste of time and a waste of money. And they prescribe it to everyone. And we believe. What if our artillery troops suddenly retreat?


The doctor also prescribed me alflutop, an injection into the hip joint, a very painful injection, a 15cm syringe, this is the first time I have seen one like this. In general, at first, after three injections it became worse, I was about to give up, but the doctor said that the result would come later, after the accumulation of this drug, and now 20 days have passed, I did not notice any improvement, but headaches appeared and some kind of rattling state, in general I started feeling bad after the vaunted ALFLUTOP!


A year ago my knee started to hurt. I couldn’t even bend my leg without pain. I suffered and was on NSAIDs. I only lost time. When I started injecting Alflutop, after a full course of it, obvious improvements appeared. I will continue treatment.


Ordinary fuflomycin, of which there are many now.


I heard a lot about this drug and asked my Rheumatologist about it. The doctor told me that she never prescribes it due to its unproven effectiveness. In other countries it is not used at all. And in general, intra-articular injections are a step of despair. It is better not to touch the joint in this way; in many patients, after intra-articular injections, the course of the disease progressively worsens. Be careful!


A terrible medicine, especially in the hands of an amateur doctor. It is not always possible to use this drug. In some cases, it can be extremely dangerous: after the course, persistent contractures of both knee joints have formed, and the ability to move has been completely lost. At first glance, a completely harmless drug can cause enormous harm to the body.


From my experience, the reaction can be up to serious irreversible deterioration. The drug is questionable. Considering the negligent attitude of doctors, you need to be careful with this “brew”. In addition, previous treatment must be taken into account.


I have polysegmental osteochondrosis (due to scoliosis), displacement of the cervical vertebrae, which causes pain in all parts of the spine, and due to problems with my neck, severe headaches began to appear regularly.

I turned to a neurologist, she prescribed me electrophoresis, Mataren plus ointment, and 20 intramuscular injections of Aloe and 20 Alflutop.

When the pharmacy told me how much 10 ampoules of Alflutop cost, I was speechless - 2900, but I need 20 ampoules for the course. I read the description and composition, it seemed natural and promising, there was nowhere to go and I made up my mind. I thought that the doctor knew better...

One of the advantages I can name is a useful composition and a small number of adverse reactions.

In total, the course of Alflutop alone plus syringes cost me 6,000 rubles!!!! But God bless them with money, where is the effect?!!!!

The result is that while I was undergoing treatment, it became a little easier, my head hurt less often, my neck and back still hurt here and there, but with less intensity. Well, I think we need to wait until the medicine accumulates, so to speak, and begins to act. And now, a month after the end of treatment, everything returned to the beginning, headaches again, my back did not go away at all, no matter what was treated or not!!!!

My opinion is that RUR 6,000 was wasted! It’s very disappointing, now I’ll have to go to the doctor again and I’m afraid to imagine how much the new course of treatment that she decides to prescribe for me will cost me.

Svetlana Klyuch

I got 5 injections, it was terribly tolerated, itching, headache, blood pressure jumped, I saw phenol in the composition and was horrified that the drug contained poison.


I bought alflutop on the advice of a good friend, I thought that since the price was high, the effect would be appropriate. but it turned out that the budget Elbon helped me better. Maybe it’s individual, but I didn’t see anything special in this drug, other than that. that it must be installed every day and for three weeks, whereas Elbona was installed three times a week.

Lika Mozyrko


Oh, how familiar this drug is to me.

Since today I wrote a review about the treatment of vertebral hernias and noted this drug there, then it’s not a sin to write a separate review and share my impressions.

I’ll deviate a little and write about the fact that vertebral hernias terrorize not only your spine, but at the same time many sores arise in different places, and in particular in the joints. The leg begins to pull very strongly, for some reason specifically the left one, and such a burning sensation is felt in the hip joints that the bones seem to melt. This is the same problem I encountered. I already thought that I just had some kind of stump from my tibia, everything in my buttock hurt so much.

I was prescribed alflutop. Well, as our doctors love, they will also write out a bunch of prescriptions. For some reason they added euphilin, mildronate, chloride and vitamins. In general, I entered the treatment room with a pack of syringes and ampoules, and came out like a robot, and did not know what was better to do - bend my elbows so that there were no bruises from intravenous injections or massage my buttocks so that there were no lumps.

Like all oily injections, Alflutop is a very painful injection. This is not a chemical, but an extract from fish. It is prescribed to restore cartilage tissue and relieve the inflammatory process.

In my case, this drug did not help me, although I injected it as prescribed, 10 ampoules per course of treatment.

Perhaps it should be used at the first symptoms of the disease or thoroughly examined for the disease, but if everything is in a state of disrepair or the cause of the pain is completely different, then alflutop will clearly not be the topic.

I just threw a lot of money down the drain, since alflutop is a very expensive drug. You can also refer to the fact that you just bought a fake. Because during my past illness and my current one, I have repeatedly become convinced that our pharmacies have become “unclean” and are constantly selling counterfeits.

Lyubov A.

The doctor prescribed Alflutop IM. I took 20 injections, but it didn’t help me at all. Once again I went to see my doctor and complained that there was no relief from these injections. To which he replied that with my disease (grade 3 gonoarthrosis), alflutop will not help. The question arises: why then did I throw away the money? Pay attention to your illness.

Doesn't matter


I did not notice


expensive with no advantages, phenol contained in the composition is poisonous, belongs to highly dangerous substances, smells of fish

I was diagnosed with deforming arthrosis of the ankle joint (initial), it was punctured for 10 days, I did not notice any results: the pain and swelling did not go away. I won't buy any more.

The drug itself is positioned as an additional, supportive one in a complex treatment regimen. The activity and mechanisms of action of Alflutop have not been fully studied. I started injecting arthrozan and saw slight improvements.

In my opinion, it does not justify the cost of it (RUB 1,800).

General impression:

looks like an advertisement and a money scam

Material and methods

The case histories of 87 patients with spondyloarthrosis in the structure of occupational pathology of the musculoskeletal system from physical overload and functional overstrain were retrospectively assessed. All patients underwent clinical and physiological examination. Duration of observation: 5 years (2013–2017).

Inclusion criteria: age 18 years and older, presence of facet syndrome at the lumbosacral and/or cervical level, confirmed by neuroimaging, and signed informed consent.

Exclusion criteria: contraindications in accordance with the instructions for use of the drug Alflutop, taking chondroprotectors for 1 month before inclusion in the study. During hospital observation, patients did not take NSAIDs or analgesics. Additionally, B vitamins, muscle relaxants (tizanidine or tolperisone), metabolites were prescribed, physiotherapy was carried out according to indications (sinusoidal modulated current therapy, diadynamic therapy, electrophoresis of drugs, for example halidor), massage.

All observation cases were divided into two groups: group 1 consisted of 31 patients (20 women, 11 men), group 2 - 56 patients (25 women, 31 men). In group 1, Alflutop was injected 10 times paravertebrally into four points at the lumbosacral level (2 ml) or into two points at the lumbosacral level (1 ml) and two points at the cervical level (1 ml). In group 2, Alflutop was administered 10 times intramuscularly, 1-2 ml deep.

Demographic information is shown in the table.

Group Demographics

Of the peculiarities in the groups, it is worth noting that among the patients of group 1, 3 women and 5 men suffered from vibration disease, the remaining 23 patients suffered from muscular-tonic and radicular compression syndromes of the cervical and/or lumbosacral level. In all patients, neuroimaging reveals spinal spondyloarthrosis.

In group 2, 8 patients were diagnosed with vibration disease with radiculopathy of the lumbosacral level, the remaining 48 patients had diagnosed muscular-tonic and radicular compression syndromes of the cervical and/or lumbosacral level. Neuroimaging revealed spinal spondyloarthrosis in all patients.

All patients underwent a standard neurological examination. The main tool for pain assessment was the visual analogue scale (VAS). The number of exacerbations of back pain over 1 year was also assessed.

For statistical analysis, the R software package was used (The R Project for Statistical Computing, All statistical tests were two-sided, with a significance level of 5%; all confidence intervals (CIs) were two-sided 95%; Continuous data are represented by the number of observations, mean with standard deviation (SD), median (Me) and range; discrete quantities are described by absolute and relative frequencies.

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