Symptoms and diagnosis of Madelung syndrome

The human body is not perfect. Over the years, seven out of ten people develop papillomas, moles, wen, and lipomas on the skin. This is due to the manifestation of the infectious diffuse human papillomavirus. Small spots and formations are not as dangerous as the growth of fatty fibers in the muscular system of the neck, called Madelung syndrome.

The article describes the causes of the disease, its characteristics, etiology, symptoms, clinical picture, types of anomalies, diagnosis, treatment methods - therapeutic and surgical, and effective methods of prevention.

What is Madelung syndrome

The human papillomavirus does not make itself felt as long as the body is healthy and strong. When immunity decreases, warts or growths may appear - an unpleasant illness that deprives a person of a full life. And these are only the first signs of a possibly serious illness. If treatment is not started immediately, the abnormal manifestations will subsequently spread throughout the body.

Lipomas are more dangerous than warts or papillomas. What kind of misfortune is this? Lipos is translated from Greek as fat. A lipoma is a fatty tumor, in other words, a wen. This is a type of benign connective formation. Its development occurs in the layer of subcutaneous loose tissue. Lipoma can spread in blood vessels and muscles.

Diffuse lipoma on the neck or collarbone is called Launois-Bansod disease, or Madelung syndrome. Consists entirely of adipose tissue.

Men are more susceptible to the disease. The age of the disease is thirty-five to forty years. The width of the fatty growth can reach 12-15 cm and weight - 8 kg.

The presence of a double chin is associated with improper fat distribution, metabolic disorders or obesity. It happens that this is simply an individual characteristic of the body. However, rapid growth of body fat can be a warning sign. A serious illness, Madelung syndrome is not life-threatening, but it becomes the cause for the development of many problems and psychological complexes.

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First and second day. Bed rest. You can move around, but it’s better not to get active. It is recommended to keep your leg elevated and occasionally, if there is no pain, move your toes.

The third day. You can start moving slowly. It is important to choose a comfortable orthosis and shoes, which after surgery should be special, removing the load from the operated part of the foot. In most cases, Baruk shoes (the French surgeon who invented them) are used, which relieve the load on the forefoot when walking. At first, to get used to it, you can provide yourself with additional support in the form of a cane or crutches. After three to five days they will no longer be needed.

10-14 days. Period of doctoral supervision. In the case of a serious operation, the patient may spend all this time in the clinic. Physical therapy and physiotherapy sessions are recommended. It is not advisable to stand on your feet for a long time.

After 1-1.5 months, there is no need for an orthosis, but after surgery it is better to use shoes with suitable orthopedic insoles.

After 2 months, you can exercise on exercise bikes and swim in the pool.

Swelling of the foot and ankle may persist for up to three months. At this time, it is recommended to use cool compresses and wear compression stockings.

After 4-6 months, it is possible to move around without an orthosis, resume sports, and wear high-heeled shoes. High-quality recovery and quick rehabilitation require choosing comfortable wide shoes. Don’t forget to create comfortable conditions for your feet so that the unpleasant situation does not happen again.

Causes of lipomas on the neck

Like most anomalies, the nature of the occurrence of wen with Madelung syndrome has not been fully established.

But numerous studies have identified the circle of people included in the risk zone, i.e. those who are predisposed to developing symmetrical lipomatosis:

  1. Those who tend to be overweight and overweight;
  2. People with low immunity;
  3. With pathological processes in the area of ​​the cervical collectors;
  4. With increased sweating;
  5. Having a genetic predisposition;
  6. Hormonally unstable;
  7. With metabolism;
  8. With nerve damage from toxins and infections;
  9. Those suffering from vitamin deficiency;
  10. Having malfunctions of the thyroid gland;
  11. Prone to bad habits;
  12. With the peculiarities of the constitution.

Prone to obesity Increased sweating Genetic predisposition Hormonally unstable

Diet and normalization of metabolism will not cure Madelung syndrome. Irreversible processes have already begun to occur in the body. Only an experienced surgeon can help.

A visual examination of the growth of adipose tissue in the neck area will not help determine the nature and cause of its appearance. In medical practice, there are many cases of diseases that look very similar to Madelung syndrome:

  • Aneurysms;
  • Cyst;
  • Tumors;
  • Inflammatory processes.

Injury to the neck, back or collarbone does not develop the disease.
Reasons for urgently visiting a doctor may be:

  1. When fat accumulation causes discomfort;
  2. Painful sensations appear;
  3. The lipoma increases in size.

You cannot remove a wen on the neck or any other place at home.

Classification of diseases with Madelung syndrome

Scientists have divided Madelung syndrome lipomas into three types:

  • Type I. In this category of diseases, fat deposits on the neck are formed in the shape of a collar. This type occurs most often - in about 2/3 of all cases;
  • Type II. This is a systemic anomaly, it is a symmetrical neoplasm; along with the neck, the shoulder girdle, chest, abdominal area and thighs are affected. Visually referred to as pseudo-athletic syndrome;
  • Type III. Gynecoid type. The least number of cases have been reported. The affected area is the thighs.

Description of chronic hand subluxation

This type of deformity is a complex pathology and is accompanied by deformation of the forearm, affecting all components of the wrist joint.

In addition, due to the curvature of the radius, a slight shortening of the limb is observed.

Chronic hand subluxation is a very rare disease that is usually observed in adolescents.

Usually Madelung's disease is diagnosed at the age of 13-16 years, sometimes a little earlier. The disease develops more often in girls (almost 4 times more often than in boys).

There are two main forms of pathology - bilateral and unilateral.

Madelung himself, a German surgeon who first described this pathology. He believed that the disease was associated with a violation of ossification processes in the distal region due to congenital deformity of the epiphyseal cartilage.

Some doctors also note that Madelung's disease is often accompanied by the presence of achondroplasia in the area of ​​the epiphyseal cartilage.

Madelung's disease is classified as a pathology that is inherited, and therefore congenital.

It is difficult for a person with such a pathology to straighten the arm at the wrist joint. Sometimes there is pain. Patients especially often complain of pain after heavy exertion.

If you study Madelung's disease using x-rays, you can see a clear curvature to the side in the distal part of the bone.

The epiphyseal plate will look like a figure eight, and areas of premature synostosis may also be observed.

They say that the radius will lag behind the ulna in growth. An experienced specialist will also see a number of other specific deviations.


Abnormal fatty deformities can occur in different parts of the body. Later, abnormal formations in the muscle mass spread to the chin and collarbone.

Symmetrical lipomatosis descends to the fourth cervical vertebra and simultaneously fills the area between the shoulder blades and the subclavian space with fat cells. The deformity grows through atrophied muscle fibers. Epicraniums filled with fat cells may occur.

The most commonly observed main symptoms are:

  1. The presence of a fatty ring in the collarbone and neck area;
  2. Dramatic changes in appearance;
  3. Symmetrical lymphomas on the legs or arms;
  4. Neck tension;
  5. Migraine;
  6. In advanced cases, pain due to pressure on organs;
  7. Difficulty in breathing, blood flow and swallowing;
  8. Extremely rarely - epileptic seizures or convulsions;

An unbearable weakness appears in the hands - they are heavy to lift, it is difficult even to comb one’s hair. What is characteristic is that the bioindicators are not impaired even in the presence of all the symptoms. No pathologies or inflammations are detected in blood tests. But the histology of tissue samples shows the usual presence of fat cells.

Surgical treatment of hallux valgus: indications

It is possible to correct the position of the thumb using conservative methods in childhood, when the bone skeleton is still developing. In all other cases, only surgery will help. The main indications are:

  • discomfort when walking due to unbearable pain;
  • deviation of the joint by several tens of degrees;
  • a significantly protruding bone, making it impossible to wear shoes;
  • violation of the position of the foot, making it difficult to move;
  • swelling of the thumb;
  • inflammatory manifestations and other complications of hallux valgus.

The doctor determines the indications individually for each patient. Typically, surgical methods are used when conservative methods (conventional methods, without surgery) become ineffective.


The most popular treatment method for Madelung syndrome is resection of the head of the deformed ulna with a wedge-shaped corrective osteotomy of the radius at the apex of the deformity. Possible side effects of this treatment are a decrease in muscle strength of the hand, shortening of the forearm, and bringing together the muscle points of the forearm.

A simpler method is the use of distraction osteosynthesis, this is the elimination of dislocation of the lunate bone and subluxation of the head of the ulna, and their lengthening.

Osteotomy occurs in the sagittal space next to the growth zone. This will make it possible in the future to raise the palmar edge of the articular platform while maintaining the adhesion of the enzymes. This type of treatment uses the Ilizarov apparatus.

The proximal ring of the unit is attached to 2 spokes, one of them is fixed through the bones of the forearm, the second through the radius.

Destruction is carried out three times a day from the fifth day, 0.25 mm each. The arch will help maintain the position of the hand and maintain the gap of the wrist joint.

It is imperative to combine treatment and exercise therapy.

After the entire cycle of the treatment process, the forearm continues to be stabilized until regeneration occurs. Afterwards you will need therapeutic massage, mechanotherapy, swimming. All these activities will help restore the function of joints and muscles.

Distal osteotomy

The most common surgical method for correcting hallux valgus deformity is distal osteotomy. The operation takes place in several stages:

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First stage

Exostoexotomy or removal of the “bone”. In untreated cases, this stage may be the only one. Through a small skin incision or even without an incision, endoscopically, the exostosis itself (bone) and the inflamed joint capsule are removed.

Second phase.

Remote osteotomy. Using an artificial fracture, the position of the first metatarsal bone is leveled. The fracture site is secured with titanium screws. They are removed a month later, after the bone has completely healed.

Third stage.

Dissection of the muscle responsible for abducting the thumb.

Fourth and final stage.

Securing the thumb in a physiological position.


In order to prevent the occurrence of Madelung syndrome, it is recommended:

  • Eat properly;
  • Adhere to healthy lifestyle standards;
  • Limit the consumption of tasty but unhealthy foods - fatty, fried, sweet, salty, spicy;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Choose the right cosmetics.

Eat right Adhere to healthy lifestyle standards Limit the consumption of harmful foods Maintain personal hygiene

If there are initial signs of a lipoma, under no circumstances should you squeeze it out, pierce it with a needle, or use heat compresses. The main thing is to do no harm!

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