S. M. Bubnovsky developed an effective method for treating knee arthrosis without the use of medications. Daily execution
The ankle joint is a movable articulation of the lower ends of the tibia and fibula with the talus
Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
The most common gynecological problem is disruption of the female cycle, especially the absence of menstruation - amenorrhea. IN
The whole truth about legs Heavy legs may indicate the development of a serious disease in the body.
Cracks and fractures of bones due to osteoporosis are, unfortunately, not uncommon. If failed
Author Osadchuk Elena Vitalievna Senior doctor Surgeon Until December 31 We are giving 1000 rubles for everything
Update date: 09.17.2020 14:49:43 11200 Share: Author: Maria Feldstein *Review of the best according to the editors
The fifth lumbar vertebra is important for the functioning of the entire spine. The lumbar region consists
Plaster casting is an immobilization method used to immobilize damaged bones, tissues and joints.