The benefits of chicken feet and how to cook them deliciously

Nutritional value and composition of chicken feet

When many consumers see chicken legs in a store, they simply don’t understand why they are being sold. The beneficial properties of this part of the chicken are appreciated in China, Japan and other Asian countries. The point is the antihypertensive properties of the product.

The composition of the paws includes minerals:

  • calcium and phosphorus;
  • sodium and potassium;
  • iron and zinc;
  • copper and selenium.

A large set of vitamins of groups B, A, E, PP, K. B, choline and other beneficial substances have a strengthening effect on the nervous, immune and skeletal systems.

The chemical composition of chicken legs is as follows. 100 g contains:

  • 14.6 g fat;
  • 19.4 g protein;
  • 0.2 g carbohydrates;
  • 66.8 g water;
  • there is no ash.

The calorie content of 100 g of the finished product is only 215 Kcal, this attracts people with weight problems.

With vegetables

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 grams of paws;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a piece of ginger;
  • a pinch of sesame;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 celery;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 50 grams of peanuts;
  • 60 ml soy sauce;
  • 60 ml sunflower oil;
  • ½ lemon.

The step-by-step recipe looks like this:

  • the prepared paws must be boiled in water for 25 minutes;
  • in the meantime, you need to fry the ginger and garlic for a few minutes, and then you need to add celery and carrots, cut into thin strips; everything needs to be cooked for another 5 minutes;
  • then add bell pepper and crushed peanuts to the frying pan;
  • when the paws have completely cooled down, they need to be cut into pieces and placed in a separate frying pan; then you need to pour in soy sauce and fry for 25 minutes;
  • when they are cooked, you can add the fried vegetables, and then pour the juice from half a lemon over everything; Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

What are the benefits of chicken feet for joints?

The benefits of the by-product outweigh the harm:

  1. The collagen contained in chicken feet is good for bones, tendons, and mucous membranes.
  2. The skin, thanks to a special protein, becomes healthy and elastic.
  3. Connective tissue is restored in the joints, fluid production increases, which enhances the mobility of the limbs.
  4. When bones are injured, cartilage grows faster at the fracture site.

Chicken feet do not harm, but benefit the joints, especially with arthrosis, arthritis, and osteochondrosis. Chicken legs are especially useful for people over 50 years of age, since the body is not able to synthesize its own protein, which leads to joint diseases and fractures.

What elements are present in the product

Thanks to the existing hyaluronic acid, the aging process slows down significantly. Chondroitin sulfate is used to treat osteoarthritis. But in rare cases, some people may experience an allergic reaction to these elements.

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The chicken foot is completely devoid of muscle. It consists only of tendons, bones and skin. It also contains calcium, collagen and protein that are easily absorbed by the body. Thanks to such elements, joint pain becomes less severe, and bone fragility, which is mainly characteristic of older people, decreases.

You can use chicken feet to cook broths and soups. They will be an excellent substitute for various medications containing chondroitin and glucosamine.

In addition, the paws contain the following microelements:

  1. Phosphorus.
  2. Magnesium.
  3. Zinc.
  4. Calcium.
  5. Copper.

All of the listed elements must be present in the body.

All nutritional elements contained in the product are important for the regeneration of human bones, muscle tissue and nerves. They help you recover faster from injuries. It is recommended to consume dishes based on chicken feet in case of bone marrow injury.

The benefits and harms of jellied chicken feet

The benefits of boiled chicken feet are difficult to overestimate. Jellied meat prepared from this offal contains collagen, which helps strengthen cartilage and gives it firmness and elasticity.

Retinol contained in jellied meat stimulates the immune system and is responsible for joint mobility.

Despite the benefits, jellied chicken feet can be harmful if a person has problems with the liver, stomach, or pancreas. Then a large amount of garlic and pepper is not added to the finished dish.

The presence of growth hormone can cause the development of inflammatory processes. And cholesterol damage (due to its effect on the walls of blood vessels) can cause atherosclerosis.

Important! To prevent jellied legs from causing harm, you need to consume it in moderation.

How to clean chicken feet

In large retail outlets you can purchase the offal, ready for use. If you purchased untreated chicken legs, you will have to clean them yourself of the stratum corneum.

Operating procedure:

  1. Thaw at room temperature and rinse well.
  2. Stains may remain on the skin and are difficult to wash off with plain water. To remove them, the surface is rubbed with salt and doused with water again.
  3. Remove the claws (they are not suitable for cooking) using a knife or hatchet.
  4. Place the offal in a colander, lower it into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then into cold water. A change in temperature is necessary to quickly cleanse the stratum corneum of the skin.
  5. When the paws have cooled, you need to pick up the skin with a knife near the upper joint and pull it down, like a stocking.

In Korean

Spicy dishes are very popular in both China and Korea. Paws are no exception. They are popular among local girls because they contain a lot of collagen. You can follow the path of the Koreans and try to make spicy paws one of your favorite dishes.

It is necessary to prepare the following components:

  • 1.5 kg chicken feet;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 20 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 40 ml soy sauce;
  • 20 ml oyster sauce;
  • 40 grams of sesame oil;
  • 20 grams of hot pepper paste;
  • 20 grams of red pepper;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • a little ginger.

The step-by-step recipe includes the following steps:

  • first you need to prepare the paws, then you need to put them in a deep container and pour salt into it, and also pour in vinegar; in this mixture you need to massage them well and then rinse under running water;
  • after this they must be left to cook for 45 minutes;
  • in the meantime, you can start preparing the sauce - to do this you need to mix both sauces, sesame oil, and all the remaining ingredients;
  • the cooked paws need to be washed under running water and poured into a container with sauce, then everything needs to be mixed and allowed to brew a little;
  • after this, the marinated paws should be placed on a prepared baking sheet; it must be placed in the oven for 20 minutes, the temperature should be +190 degrees;
  • The prepared oriental-style paws should be placed on a large dish and sprinkled with onions on top.

Chicken feet recipes

It is not difficult to prepare healthy dishes from chicken legs. There are a variety of recipes. From the offal you can cook jellied meat, broth, roast, soup. The benefits of these dishes can hardly be overestimated.

Jellied chicken feet

It's hard to find a person who hasn't tried jellied meat at least once. It is usually prepared from pork and beef legs and heads. But cold meat can be cooked, oddly enough, from the legs of poultry. The benefit of aspic is that it has healing properties; with its help you can not only improve your appetite, but also help your body recover.

What you need to cook jellied meat:

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  • chicken legs – 2 kg;
  • chicken breasts – 0.8 kg;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • onions – 3 heads;
  • garlic – 4 heads;
  • black and allspice peas, bay leaf, mustard seeds, salt to taste.

Attention! To cook jellied meat, you need to take a saucepan of at least 6 liters and trays for pouring the finished dish.

Stages of preparing jellied meat:

  1. The legs, cleared of the yellow layer, are placed in a pan along with the meat and filled with cold water.
  2. After 6-7 hours, the water needs to be drained. Liquid with blood residues is not suitable for preparing jellied meat.
  3. Rinse the paws, add water and put on the stove.
  4. As soon as the contents begin to boil, foam will appear. It must be removed to obtain a clear broth.
  5. Cut the peeled carrots and onions into large pieces and add to the pan. In aspic, these ingredients are essential for color and flavor.
  6. Then the time comes for black and allspice peas, mustard seeds, and salt.
  7. Reduce heat and cook the jellied meat at minimum temperature for about 6 hours.
  8. A quarter of an hour before removing the pan from the stove, add the bay leaf. Leave the broth on the stove, as it must be hot to pour.
  9. Remove the legs and meat, quickly remove the bones and cartilage, mix with garlic crushed in a press.
  10. Place in small trays, add the required amount of broth, straining it through a sieve.
  11. Place the cooled mass in the refrigerator to harden.

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Advice! Salt should be added in small portions, as most of the liquid will evaporate. You should taste the broth before removing it and add salt if necessary.

Chinese chicken feet

The beneficial properties of the offal are especially appreciated by the Chinese. When preparing the dish, they use a large amount of spices and seasonings.

Products for roast:

  • 800 g offal;
  • 1 tsp. rice vinegar;
  • 50 ml sunflower oil.

Sauce composition:

  • 3 pcs. anise;
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • ½ tsp. ginger;
  • 1 pod of chili pepper;
  • 10 g granulated sugar;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 200 ml water.

We recommend reading: Chili peppers: benefits and harms, properties, how to eat them

Recipe details:

  1. Pour water over the prepared chicken legs, add rice vinegar and place on the stove.
  2. After boiling, add salt and granulated sugar. After 5 minutes, transfer the offal into a colander and wait for the liquid to drain.
  3. Heat oil in a saucepan and add boiled paws in portions. Fry them until browned.
  4. Prepare the gravy from soy sauce and the remaining ingredients, and a glass of water.
  5. Pour the sauce into the semi-finished product, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for a third of an hour.

Comment! It is beneficial to eat Chinese poultry legs immediately while they are hot.

Chicken foot soup

Offal is very good in rich soup. To prepare it you will need:

  • paws – 600 g;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • sprigs of dill;
  • oregano;
  • ground black pepper - at the end of the knife;
  • salt to taste;
  • water – 0.8 l;
  • sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook healthy chicken feet soup:

  1. Wash the offal, clean and dry.
  2. After removing the skins, cut the onions into half rings.
  3. Pour oil into a frying pan, add paws and onions. Fry until golden brown.
  4. Place the contents of the pan into a saucepan, add water and place on the stove. As soon as the soup boils, cook for half an hour.
  5. Then add the rest of the ingredients and after 2 minutes remove the pan.
  6. The rich soup with healthy poultry legs is ready.

Delicious paws with vegetables

Many housewives regard chicken feet exclusively as food for their four-legged pets. But in vain, because such an offal is incredibly useful for the human body. Try making delicious paws with vegetables. This treat will please everyone without exception.


  • fresh frozen chicken feet – 1 kg;
  • sweet bell pepper - one piece;
  • onion - two heads;
  • soy sauce - three tables. spoons;
  • carrots - one root vegetable;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • refined vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • ground red and black pepper;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • salt;
  • chicken broth – 500 ml;
  • greens - half a bunch.


  1. First of all, we will prepare the chickens' feet. We wash them, peel them, remove part of the phalanx and put them in a saucepan.

  2. Fill with chilled water and place on the stove.
  3. From the moment the water boils, set aside 40 minutes and simmer the chicken legs over low heat until cooked.

  4. Meanwhile, peel the onions and chop into thin half rings.

  5. We clean the sweet pepper from the stalk, veins and seed box. Cut it into strips.

  6. Grate the carrots on a grater with medium perforation.

  7. Heat refined vegetable oil in a frying pan. First add the onions, and after a few minutes add the carrots.
  8. Sauté vegetables until softened.

  9. Transfer the boiled chicken legs to a bowl and cool.

  10. When the paws have cooled, grind them.

  11. Place the paws in a frying pan and fry for several minutes in refined vegetable oil.

  12. Add crushed garlic. Pour in soy sauce, season with a mixture of peppers and salt.

  13. Add the chicken broth in which we boiled the legs. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and simmer over low heat for a third of an hour.
  14. Transfer the cooked paws to a plate.

  15. Place the fried onion-carrot mixture and herbs on top.

  16. This dish can be prepared differently. First add vegetables to the fried paws.

  17. Fry all the ingredients for about five minutes and add the chopped greens.

  18. After cooking, it is recommended to leave the dish in a sealed container for another quarter of an hour.

  19. Chicken feet are soft, tender and incredibly tasty. You can also add any sauce of your choice.

Is it possible to give chicken feet to dogs?

By-products have always been, and will continue to be, purchased for pets. Among dog breeders, opinions about the benefits and harms of chicken feet for feeding dogs are divided. Some believe that tubular bones can be harmful and cause injury to animals’ throats and internal organs. Others argue that a well-fed dog will not pounce on food, but will simply enjoy it.

To be calm for your dogs, it is enough to boil chicken feet; in this form they are harmless and healthy.

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