How does visceral massage work and who is it indicated for?

Back pain, neck pain, frequent headaches, stiffness and limited movement - these symptoms of diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system are experienced by 41% of the world's population, regardless of age. Some go for a massage, some take medications, but most do nothing, hoping that it will go away on its own. It won't work...

Today, the most effective way to overcome pain and stiffness in the back and neck is through manual therapy sessions. The advantage and distinctive feature from other treatment methods is that manual therapy acts on the root cause of the disease, and does not simply relieve symptoms for a short period of time. Until the mid-90s of the last century, manual therapy was considered one of the methods of traditional medicine, but at the moment, it is a full-fledged treatment method accepted by the World Health Organization.

In manual therapy, only hands are used, gentle practices and methods are used aimed at achieving maximum effective results.

What are the benefits of manual therapy?

The main goal of spinal manual therapy is pain relief and muscle restoration. Thanks to this type of treatment, the mobility of the vertebrae and joints increases, the muscle corset is strengthened, spinal deformity is eliminated, correct posture is formed, compression of nerves and blood vessels is eliminated, and headaches go away.

With manual therapy, “normal” ranges of motion are restored in all parts of the spine and joints, which leads to the formation of correct posture and uniform redistribution of muscle tone, without areas of overstrain.

Working with intervertebral joints and a comprehensive/general/global/ assessment of the patient’s motor stereotype, before treatment and after manipulation, distinguishes manual therapy from massage, in which a specialist works exclusively with superficial muscles.

Over the course of several centuries, the techniques and methods of manual therapy have been honed. In 1930-1950, related schools of chiropractic, osteopathy, and manual therapy were born, which came to Russia only in the 1980s. A school of manual therapy was opened under the leadership of A.B. Sitel in 1988 - “Russian Center for Manual Therapy”. Conventionally, basic techniques and additional methods of manual therapy are distinguished.

The main techniques include:

Soft technique - the name itself speaks of how pain, tension, and muscle tone are relieved carefully and smoothly without sudden movements. Muscles and ligaments are elastic and more mobile.

Mobilization technique is aimed at smoothly relaxing muscles and increasing the mobility of the vertebrae. Blood circulation is restored, joints become more mobile, swelling decreases, pain subsides.

Manipulation techniques are painless, short-amplitude, jerk-like movements aimed at restoring the standard range of motion in the intervertebral joints, joints of the pelvis and limbs.

Additional techniques used in manual therapy are:

  • Acupuncture and acupressure.
  • Craniosacral technique.
  • Myofascial method.
  • Kinesiological techniques.
  • Visceral techniques.

An experienced chiropractor, after examining and collecting anamnesis, will select exactly the technique that is suitable for the patient to solve the problem and return to life without pain.

Execution technique

An ordinary massage therapist who conducts a classic massage uses only five methods of influence: rubbing, stroking, kneading, vibration and effleurage. These techniques are sufficient to work on soft tissues.

The chiropractor knows a large number of massage techniques that are necessary for a deep impact on the musculoskeletal system, uses:

  • manipulation techniques to restore mobility of intervertebral joints;
  • mobilization techniques aimed at stretching the spine;
  • acupressure, which involves influencing trigger points (acupressure);
  • acupuncture - acupuncture.

Chiropractors use both gentle and forceful techniques. The force of impact and the permissible volume of loads are calculated individually for each patient.

Before starting a massage, the doctor studies the MRI results and listens to the person’s main complaints. It determines the mobility of the spine in different parts, the degree of muscle tension, the presence of trigger points, the asymmetrical position of the shoulder girdle and pelvic bones.

MRI on a new machine can be done at the SmartMed clinic

The chiropractor selects exactly the technique that best suits the patient and allows him to solve his problem. If necessary, the doctor supplements the treatment with pharmacological medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic massage and physical exercise.

A manual massage session takes place in several stages:

  • Muscle relaxation. Before you begin any strength techniques, you need to reduce muscle spasm in the problem area. Rubbing, stroking, kneading, stretching are used. As soon as the elasticity of the soft tissues improves, it becomes possible to work on the vertebrae and bone structures.
  • Mobilization techniques. After preparation, proceed to the main part of the massage. At this stage, rotations, stretching of joints, compression, and pushing movements are performed to realign intervertebral discs and eliminate contractures of articular joints. All manipulations are aimed at getting rid of functional blocks, correcting position and developing the mobility of elements of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Relaxation. After muscle tension, relaxation is required. The massage ends with relaxation techniques. After the procedure, it is important to avoid sudden movements.

Manual massage is not painful, not scary and not harmful. The specialist does not “break” or “set” anything. Restoration of correct posture and anatomical position of the vertebrae occurs by eliminating muscle spasm and traction of the spine. That is, all violations are eliminated naturally. Chiropractors from the SmartMed clinic have extensive experience in treating both adults and children. They work as carefully as possible and listen to the requests of patients.

The return of the correct position of a joint or vertebra is accompanied by crunching and clicking sounds

Already after the first session of manual massage, pain and spasm decrease, mobility improves. But in order to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, the patient must undergo a full course consisting of 10-15 procedures, depending on the diagnosis. The duration of each session is 15-30 minutes. The break between procedures is 1-3 days.

Manual massage courses can be repeated up to 2-3 times a year for the prevention of back diseases, as well as for the treatment of chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

What are the indications for manual therapy?

  • Poor posture: lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis.
  • Hernias and protrusions of the spine.
  • Pathology of the knee, hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow and hand joints
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Arthritis.
  • Headache: migraine, tension headache.
  • Neuralgia of various origins,

and many other diseases of the musculoskeletal system and more.

For protrusion, the chiropractor will individually select the technique that is necessary for a particular patient. By gently pressing on the ribs in certain places, the doctor increases the space between the vertebrae. The patient can lie on his back or side. When there is protrusion in the cervical spine, twisting is not used; the stretching technique is used more, the movements are soft and careful. A noticeable effect after manual therapy for protrusion manifests itself in the form of:

  • The pain goes away almost completely after the muscle spasm is relieved and the nerve root, which was pinched by the protrusion of the vertebra, is released.
  • Blood and lymph supply in the area of ​​protrusion improves and metabolic processes in the area of ​​the affected cartilage are normalized.
  • Vertebral displacement is eliminated, but only if it is not an advanced pathology.
  • Ligaments and tendons are more elastic and mobile.

In case of a hernia, manual therapy is carried out by applying pressure to certain centers, this helps return the intervertebral discs to their proper places. Pinched nerves are released, severe pain goes away, and normal muscle tone returns. If there is a hernia in the lumbar spine, after manual therapy the functioning of the pelvic organs is normalized, pain is relieved, and the ability to move returns. The positive effect after manual therapy for a hernia manifests itself in the form of:

  • An improvement in the condition is noted after the first session.
  • The muscle corset is strengthened by restoring blood and lymph supply in the muscles supporting the spine.
  • This is an excellent opportunity to avoid surgical intervention if the disease is not advanced.
  • It becomes possible to stop taking painkillers.
  • Metabolic processes in the body improve.

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. After the first session of manual therapy, dizziness and tinnitus disappear, spasm goes away and mobility in the shoulders and neck improves. The main task of manual therapy for osteochondrosis is to improve metabolic processes, give the correct shape to the spinal column and restore all the tissues that surround the spine. A set of manual therapy methods is used for spinal osteochondrosis: joints are restored with forced movements, a relaxing massage is introduced to relieve muscle tension and pain, and stretching is used to improve blood supply and metabolic processes. Manual therapy for spinal osteochondrosis is chosen because:

  • All manipulations are painless, complete relaxation and comfort.
  • Allows you to avoid surgical intervention and eliminate the use of medications.
  • Achieving positive and effective treatment results in a short time.
  • Heals and strengthens the body as a whole, improves metabolic processes.
  • Treatment is carried out in any part of the spine.

In case of scoliosis and kyphosis, it is necessary to carry out a thorough preliminary diagnosis, this will determine the cause of the formed changes, then reduce the curvature in the spine and eliminate pain (if any). Many years of experience prove that in the treatment of grade I-II scoliosis and mild or moderate kyphosis with manual therapy, a stable positive result is achieved. Treatment is aimed at restoring flexibility to the spine, eliminating muscle overload and restoring weakened muscles. Sometimes, after a session, the patient experiences pain in the affected area, but this is normal and indicates that the muscles and ligaments are returning to their proper place. After a course of manual therapy, the posture becomes smooth and beautiful, the pain goes away.

When the sciatic nerve is pinched, the pain is acute, it is impossible to move, strong muscle spasms force the patient to be completely at rest, depriving him of the opportunity to actively live. Manual therapy methods can carefully and gently eliminate nerve compression and pain, restore normal tone to muscles and ligaments, relieve swelling, and restore lost mobility. Sometimes a massage session is needed, which is carried out together with manual therapy.

In case of a headache, the chiropractor first finds out the cause of the pain, in which area the source of the problem is formed, which muscles, ligaments, vertebrae and joints led to the painful result, and excludes other causes of headache except those associated with spinal pathology. It is recommended to do an MRI or radiography, ultrasound, electroneuromyography, and laboratory diagnostics. And only after confirmation of the diagnosis, the method and technique of manual therapy is selected.


Manual massage of the collar area1 procedure500 rub.code 1261
Manual massage of the lumbosacral spine1 procedure500 rub.code 1262
Manual back massage1 procedure900 rub.code 1263
Manual massage of the cervicothoracic region1 procedure900 rub.code 1264
Manual massage of the upper limb1 procedure300 rub.code 1265
Manual massage of the lower limb1 procedure400 rub.code 1266

What are the contraindications to manual therapy?

  • Manual therapy is not performed for any form of malignant tumors, including spinal cancer.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart attack, thrombosis of the vertebral arteries.
  • Disturbances of cerebral and spinal circulation.
  • Tuberculosis of any form.
  • Osteomyelitis.
  • Meningitis.
  • With increased bone fragility - osteoporosis.
  • Recent injuries, fractures.
  • After surgery on the spine.
  • In the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Arterial hypertension in the stage of decompensation.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders.

What does a chiropractor treat?

The advantage of manual therapy is that it can be used to treat a large number of diseases, including chronic ones:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion;
  • herniated intervertebral discs;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • arthrosis, arthritis;
  • glenohumeral periarthritis;
  • sciatic nerve neuralgia;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • radiculitis;
  • lumbodynia, lumbar ischialgia;
  • muscular-tonic syndrome.

Without drugs or invasive procedures, a chiropractor creates favorable conditions for natural tissue repair and elimination of deformation, thereby eliminating pain and other unpleasant sensations.

Benefits of manual therapy treatment:

  • gradual reduction of chronic pain syndrome;
  • muscle relaxation, normalization of muscle tone;
  • restoration of elasticity of the vertebrae and their anatomical location;
  • stimulation of lymph and blood flow, metabolism;
  • improvement of the body;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • improvement of emotional state.

Manual therapy is a subtle science; it is necessary to have a wealth of experience and knowledge so as not to cross the line between benefit and harm. One wrong move can lead to adverse consequences, so you need to be treated by an experienced doctor with specialized medical education and good patient reviews. Such a specialist works at the SmartMed clinic. He selects all treatment methods individually for each patient, taking into account his age, existing complaints and concomitant diseases.

A chiropractor from the SmartMed clinic, without surgery or other invasive procedures, manages to achieve good results in the treatment of chronic pain caused by a variety of spinal diseases. In addition to the main therapy, the doctor may prescribe additional treatment methods. For example, to strengthen the muscle corset, you need to engage in physical therapy.

The benefits and harms of manual therapy.

With the right and qualified approach, manual therapy has enormous benefits. In addition to the above effects, the human body becomes healthier, metabolic processes are normalized, the quality of life improves, the ability to work increases and, importantly, there is an emotional uplift.

Only the unprofessionalism of the doctor can cause harm from manual therapy sessions.

In our clinic you will receive a full range of services for manual therapy. High-level specialists with higher medical education, significant experience in manual therapy and who love their job will work with you.

When should you see a doctor?

Disorders treated by manual therapy and osteopathy: pain in the head, back, neck, joints, and abdomen. Pain, for example, in the heart region, leg, arm, shoulder, may be caused by diseases of the spine. If you have the following symptoms, this is a reason to contact a chiropractor:

  • Discomfort and pain syndromes that restrict movement in the lower back, shoulder, pelvic joints, elbows, knees
  • Headache
  • dizziness when moving the neck;
  • visual impairment;
  • problems falling asleep;

Manual therapy will improve the mobility of functional blocks, relieve pain, solve joint problems, and reduce the manifestations of vertebrogenic diseases associated with the spine, scoliosis, and hernia. If you notice such symptoms, we advise you to consult a doctor.

Recommendations from specialists for treatment

Manual therapy for the treatment of osteochondrosis is prescribed by a highly specialized doctor (neurologist or orthopedist) based on an examination of the patient and the results of examinations of the spinal column. The most extensive information about the nature of the pathology is provided by MRI (allows you to diagnose and localize protrusions and intervertebral hernia, determine the degree of destruction of spinal structures).

Performing treatment procedures is possible only during periods of remission of the disease, when the pain syndrome is mild or absent. In case of an acute course of the disease, significant damage to the spinal structures, or the presence of contraindications, manual therapy is not prescribed.

On the day of your initial appointment with any doctor in our Neurology clinic, you can undergo manual therapy or massage with a 25% discount. This way you can form an objective opinion about the services of our clinic and the quality of work of our specialists. And if after this you decide to pay for the full course of further procedures, you will receive a 10% discount on the course of treatment.

Preliminary examinations to establish a diagnosis

Manual therapy can be recommended to a patient only if there is a conclusion from a doctor of a narrow specialty or after examinations:

  • X-rays (carried out to assess the condition of the skeletal system).
  • CT (is an additional study for pathologies of adjacent tissues and inflammatory processes).
  • MRI (allows you to localize the location of the prolapsed nucleus of the intervertebral disc and identify protrusions).
  • Ultrasound of the brain and cervical spine, pelvic organs (for diagnosing the vascular system).
  • General analysis of urine and blood.
  • Densitometry (assessment of bone density).
  • ECG (diagnosis of pathologies of the cardiovascular system).

How to massage the spine area

Massage specialists recommend spinal massage

in the subacute period of the disease, however, in some cases, at the discretion of the doctor,
massage of the spine area
is also performed during the period of exacerbation.
As a rule, during the first massage sessions of the spinal area,
intensive techniques that cause excessive muscle tension and increased pain in the patient are not used.

Massage of the spine area

implies an impact on the area to the left and right of the spine at a distance of 3 to 10 centimeters, from the tailbone to the head.
The benefits of a spinal massage
are obvious: the muscles are maximally relaxed and at the same time toned, blood circulation in them improves, and the tissues begin to be better supplied with nutrition.

Massage of the spine area

begin and end with stroking.
Basically, when producing a massage of the spine area,
the basic techniques of classical massage are used - stroking, squeezing, kneading, rubbing.

Cosmetic, preventive, therapeutic massage in Moscow and the Moscow region

When contacting an incompetent massage therapist, there is a risk of deterioration of the condition, exacerbation of diseases of internal organs and the emergence of complications, therefore therapeutic massage should be performed only by an experienced specialist licensed to provide the relevant services.

Massage therapists of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences master classical and modern techniques of therapeutic and preventive, cosmetic, cupping massage and acupressure. The treatment course is selected taking into account the patient’s medical history and condition, so the actions of a professional massage therapist only bring benefits to patients, improving their well-being and accelerating the recovery process.

Advantages and disadvantages of visceral massage

The undoubted advantages of the procedure include:

  • high efficiency;
  • non-traumatic;
  • non-invasive;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • no side effects;
  • beneficial effects on the entire body.

There are no disadvantages to a massage performed by a professional massage therapist. But it must be remembered that, despite all its effectiveness, visceral massage is not a panacea. Some problems cannot be solved using it alone.

Visceral massage is an effective way to restore health and prevent the development of diseases. It must be performed by a qualified specialist.

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